Something Smart

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(Right after the fall)

Laying on the bottom step with my phone still in my hand, I can feel my eyes becoming heavy and my head throbbing. I take all the energy left in my body and send the video to the first contact I see. I'm not even sure what name I clicked on. I hope it's someone helpful.

My eyes start to close as I hear Charles's mom on the phone with 911. My phone slips out of my hand as my eyes close fully. Back to the darkness.

-current time

After everything that happened at the hospital settled down Damien was laying on the hospital bed with me with his hand on my stomach. He had a huge smile on his face, which is a rare sight to see. I'm glad he is happy about our baby, I just hope this one makes it. 

Jade bust into my hospital room screaming about killing a bitch or something. I swear this girl is insane. She comes and hugs me still in her uniform from work. How did she know I was in the hospital in the first place.

"Diary what you doing here"

"Girl you sent me a video while I was at work. I didn't watch till I got off and I call to find out how we were going to  kill this bitch and get rid of the body but Dam answered and told me you were here so here I am."

"Oh my god, where is my phone," I ask. With all the good news I forgot all about the video and the truth it holds. 

"Don't bother someone deleted the video and any trace of it. Good thing you are smart than them" Damien says with a smirk. Jade is sitting at the edge of the bed doing her evil smile, I think she is really planning their murders. #BestFriendGoals

My mom who must be left out of the loop asks what video and my dad shows her. She instantly became angry. "wait, this video was taken on your phone but isn't there now?" mom asks. I shake my head, yes but I was confused too because I saw Destiny go out the back door after we fell and Charles was unconscious next to me. Plus neither one of them even knew I was recording, so who deleted the video?

That answer became very clear to my mom after we were allowed to leave the hospital with the Doctor's okay and my promise to take it easy for a while. when we get to the parking lot of the hospital we find Charles and his mom still there, having a heated conversation about who knows what. we try to ignore them and continue to our cars but of course, they have other plans.

"Bri, I'm so glad you're okay," His mom says to me but my mom is eyeing her suspiciously.

"Mary, where did you get my daughter's phone from," mom asked Charles, mother.

"It was on the floor ringing after they were taken to the hospital"

"so no one else touched the phone beside you?" 

Mary starts stuttering not really answering the question and my mom was completely over it. It was very obvious that she delete the video from my phone but what I don't understand is why. she always seem to like me when we were around each other. 

Mary starts apologizing over and over "I'm so sorry Brittany but she's pregnant with my grandchild I couldn't let her get in trouble for this"

"well she pushed my daughter, who is carrying my grandchild by the way, down a flight of stairs so I don't give a fuck"

"WHAT" Charles, who's been quiet this whole time screams, making me flinch and Damien protectively pulls me to him. "you pregnant by this clown," he says with so much disgust. Damien moves close to him ready to fight but I stop him, he is definitely not worth it.

"Maybe you should worry about your baby mama and not me" and just like she was summoned or something Destiny shows up.

"Destiny?" Damien says, which makes me pull away from him and my mom and I look at him like he is crazy. He seems to realize that and immediately starts to explain.

"Naw it's not like that bae," he says pulling me back to his side. "this is the crazy girl Nick was telling us about. she lied to him about being pregnant, and turns out she couldn't have kids at all. She has been stalking him for about a year now". His friend Nick was just telling me and his girlfriend about this crazy girl he wish we would fuck up for him but I never thought it was this bitch.

"What you mean can't have kids," Charles asks looking at her now, who looks like she has just seen a ghost. Not caring about the drama I tell my family to come on so we can go home. walking past the dysfunctional bunch, the bitch tries to hit me screaming that 'everything is my fault' but before she even got a chance Jade punches her in the face, knocking her out cold. 

 I was finally able to go home and get in my nice and warm bed. Damien never left my side. We decide to take the video to the police station the next day and the detective said she will be in touch. When we got back in the car Damien said he want to take me somewhere. we pull up to a nice-looking apartment building. He gets out of the car and comes around to help me out too. we walk into the building and get on an elevator.

"what are we doing here?" I ask

"you'll see soon" he replies kissing my forehead

we get off the elevator on the 6th floor and walks to an apartment with the number 602 on it and I just laugh at that. These must be our lucky numbers. he pulls out a key and we walk in. the place is empty.

"who place is this," I ask

"ours if you move in with me" he replies

he shows me around. it's a nice apartment, 2 bedrooms, a nice kitchen, a bathroom in the master bedroom. it is perfect for us. when we get back to the living room I go to the window to look at the park across the street from us. when I turn back around to agree to move in with him, I am met with another surprise. Damien on one knee smirking at my facial expression with the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in his hand.

"will you marry me sexy"

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