Something to Remember

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As i was laying their on my boyfriend's chest with him snoring loud as hell, I think about the old days when he was my crush and then one specific memory came to mind and a huge smile came on my face

Summer 2010

I made my way around the corner to meet up with Michelle, Just like any other summer day I was spending it with my girls. Soon as I got to the corner of my block I met up with Nyla considering she lives on the other side of 10th street and we was on our way to Michelle house.

Walking up to Michelle house, we see her, Daisha, and Arielle on the porch. Guess the whole gang here, this should be fun.

"So what we doing today" Michelle ask

"I don't know but I'm hungry" I reply

"As always" Nyla says

"We can go to BGC (boys and girls Club)" Daisha suggested

We all agrees and starts the couple of block walk to the bgc, which became sort of a hang out for us, even doe we have to slide through a gate to get in. Its a basketball court and a little playground there, just some place for us to hang out together.

I was a little nervous to go there because there a high chance Damien will be there with his boys. As we arrived we see a group of guys playing ball on the court but couldn't yet see who exactly they are. Not really caring we went straight to the playground and spread out finding places to sit.

As I'm sitting on the steps with Michelle next me, the group of guys start coming our way.

"What you doing little sis" Micheal ask

And that when i realize who they were and I came eye to eye with my crush. I get up to get my hug, god he gives the best hugs. I can see Tyler smirking in the background but I don't care. It seem like everyone know how i feel about him but him.

We been at the bgc for a couple of hours now and I'm currently play fighing with Damien again. He goes to hit my leg again since I have on some shorts and my legs are all out. This hit hurt way worst the last and I think the expression on my face told him he hit me to hard. I made my pouting face and he pulls me into his arms saying he's sorry. I knew that hit will leave a bruise but at this moment I didn't care. I instantly start smiling, good thing he can't see my face but everyone else can. They all start owwing and awing and we pull away.

And on that note its time to go. We say our 'see you laters' to the guys and made our way to Michelle house.

"When are you just going tell that boy you like him" Michelle asks.

"Right, cause its so obvious" Nyla added.

I just laughed in response. They are acting like Im this outgoing, outspoken girl who can just walk up to a guy and say 'hey I like you'. Nope I'm not wired like that, sorry.

Flashback over

I smile bigger, boy have we came a long way. My phone begins to rings breaking me out of my thought. Seeing as its 3:45 in the morning it could only be a few people calling my phone and it's most likely a emergency.

I answer the phone in a hush tone trying not to wake Damien.


"Bri can you come get me, me and King outside, with no way home" Jada says in the phone sound highly upset

"On my way"

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