Something is Wrong

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I'm still stuck in this stupid hospital, eating this disgusting food. It's been a week since I woke up and everything been a little weird.

For one, I have no idea where my bff bracelet came from, I thought I lost it. Plus I have apparently been in a relationship with my best friend for the last 7 months but don't remember any of it. I called and texted Charles but he never answered. To top it all off everyone is treating me like I'm this fragile piece of glass because of my injuries. I just wish thing will go back to normal.

As I lay in the hospital bed watching day time TV, someone knock on the door. I say come in thinking it's Damien, he comes everyday around this time. We talk about when we was kids, my crush on him, he show me pictures of us together and tell me stories of our time together. It was actually pretty great.

The person who open the door  however wasn't Damien though. He walk in and stops after closing the door. His hazel eyes look into mines and I smile. He looks nervous as he inch closer never talking his eyes off mines. When he got next to my bed, he stops and gives my whole body a once over. He close his eyes and shake his head like he was trying not to cry.

"How are you feeling" he says rubbing a fresh scar on his forehead.

"Uh I'm okay now, been calling you all week where have you been Charles?"

He ignores my question and ask "how bad are you injuries".

I sigh "I have a broken rib, bruised back, a broken arm, have a head wound, a concussion and a case of amnesia"

He look at me weirdly "but you remember me?"

I laughs "I remember most things but.... certain event I can't remember like the accident" I explain. I left out the part about Damien and I because I not sure if he knows or not.

Charles stood there silently crying, tears dripping down his face. "I'm so sorry this happened to you Snook"

He bent down to kiss my forehead like he used to do. I close my eye as he got near a image pops in my head. I was laying on the ground and Charles was standing over me freaking out.

I open my eyes and the look of nervousness and confusion is written all over my face. Was this a memory? I look up at Charles and something start to really bug me.

I take a deep breath and look down at my hand. I start to play with shany bracelet. I mustard up all my courage and ask "Charles.... where did you get that scar on you head?"

His eye open wide and he look away quickly. He doesn't say anything just continue to avoid eye contact, it's strange but I think I know how he got it. He puts on his hood to his hoodie, which he only does when he is nervous. This movement triggers another image. Im laying on the ground again but this time Charles is standing on one side of the road freaking out worst than before and on the other side someone is running to me. I can't make out who it is before the image is gone.

This can't be a coincidence. I'm 99% sure this is a memory and I think its from my accident but now I so many more questions that are unanswered. Like why was Charles there? How did he get that scar? And who was that person running to me? This whole thing just feels unreal.

"Charles.... where you there when I got hit by that car" I ask and he stares at the wall behind me for awhile before saying "yes, snook I was there". I wait for him to elaborate but he doesn't he just sit there looking into space. It was really start to piss me off. Before I can't start yelling the door open.

Damien walks in with a bag of Chinese food. Thank God because I was tired of this hospital food. Charles look at him and shakes his head. I don't understand why, even though I was with Charles for four years and Damien been my best friend since I was 11, they have never met. Damien look between the two of us confused as to who this guy I was talking to is. You can cut the tension in this room with a knife.

"Oh, I didn't know you had a visit. You want me to come back another time?" Damien asks.



Charles and I answer at the same time. I look at him like his crazy.  He refuse to give me any answer but want to answer for me? Yeah, alright.!

I look back at Damien and answer again. "No best, its okay. He was just leaving" I say with a lot of attitude. Damien catches on to my tone and comes closer to me and kiss my forehead and rubs my side to calm me down. If look could  kill we both would be dead right now because the way Charles was looking at us was like shooting daggers with his eyes.

Damien look up at Charles and makes a weird face. "Where do I know you from" he ask making a face like he was trying to remember.

"You don't know me man" Charles replies.

I had to break this up before its get to out of hand. I told Charles it was time to leave. He tried to argue with me but it was no use. He finally left but Damien still had that same look on his face like it was really bothering him that he couldn't remember.

He sat down and gave me my food. He got me my favorite, house special lo mein without vegetables. We sat and at in silence for a while but the images from earlier was bothering me and Damien was always the one I talk to when thing was bothering me. So I told him about them.

He looked shocked but what he said next conform my suspicion.

"Thats where I know that guy from he was freaking out on the side of the road the day on the accident. He look like he was in pain seeing what he ad done to you. Babe he was driving the car that hit you that day"

I didn't know how to respond to that. Why couldn't Charles just tell me that.
But Damien continued.

"And that person who was running towards you was me baby"

Another image pop into my head. My eyes are close and I'm in a lot of pain but I can still hear everything around me. Someone is on the phone with the police. Then I hear his voice "sexy stay with me" "stay awake" "I need you". It was Damien voice and his arms I was laying in. It all felt so familiar.

Before I could process all of this new information another image appears but this couldn't be a memory. Damien and I was at the old boys and girls club and he was explaining to me something about him and the other Brittany. Then he told me he was in love with me. But I know that can't be a memory because the old boys and girls club is now a school and no longer looks like that but it felt so real.

"Damien... what happen before my accident? "

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