Something like a Stalker

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   It's been a couple of weeks since I first went over to Damien house, we have been spending like every other day together. We haven't talked about the conversation we had after my night of drinking. Even though I was completely drunk thanks to the Tiffany's', I knew exactly what I was saying and I meant everything I said. I don't want nobody else.

   Today is May 11 and tomorrow being my niece birthday but she having a sleepover today. I'm currently helping clean and set up first but I'm definitely getting out of here before the screaming mob get here. I hit up Damien to see if he wanted to chill later, of course he says yes. He can't get enough of me lately.

   Music blasting, laughs can be heard from down the street and the party didn't even start yet, we just set up. The doorbell rings, we all look at our watches. "no one should be here yet" my sister says. "I'll get it" I say walking towards the door. The smile on my face completely disappears when I open the door.

"hey bae" Charles says standing there with the biggest smile on his face.

"what are you doing here" I say pushing pass him closing the door behind me.

"we need to talk"

"naw I'm good"

"I'm not leaving till we talk" he says leaning again the wall

"fine talk" I say to get him out of here as fast as I can. Half way through his rant about how he sorry, misses me, love me, and want me back bullshit his mom called needing him. Thank you God! He leaves saying something about this not being over. I don't care, just happy he is gone.

   I finish up helping and made my way down the hill to my best friend house about 2 hours later. I walk up and see his family outside but before I can speak my phone start to ring. It's my sister calling, thinking something went wrong with my niece I answer on the first ring.

"yo, what's up"

"Charles is here and he not leaving"

"oh, my fucking god"

"what you want me to do"

"I'll handle it"

I quickly went to Charles contact and text him telling him to leave before my parents get there. He wouldn't budge. I finally made it upstairs and told Damien what was going on. He seems upset, my phone started ringing before I couldn't pry his thought out. This time it was my mom telling me to come get this boy out of her house.

I sighed and got up "best I got to go"

"you going to let him ruin our day"

"please don't do that, that was my mom I got to go handle this"

I got up and start to walk towards the door thinking he was right behind me but he wasn't. I called his name, he peeks out the room and says "go ahead, I'll meet you down stairs". I know he is mad but I have to go home.

   I text Charles and told him to meet me at the bus stop so we can talk without my family and them around. I tell him he need to stop this toxic shit because I'm not dealing with it. After what seem like forever of going back and forth, he finally left me alone. Thank God!

I went home and text Damien to make sure he wasn't too mad.

Me: Best?

Best😍😍: yes, you home?

Me: yeah, are we good?

Best😍😍: huh... why you say that

Me: because I feel like I put you in the middle of something you shouldn't have been

Best😍😍: we're great I just hate the way its effecting you

Me: okay good

I ended up calling him and being on the phone with him the whole night.

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