Chapter 15

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"Great!" Aidan says. "Then I'll pick you up in a sec, so be ready, okay?"

"Sure! I'll be waiting," I say.

We hang up and after ten minutes he tells me he's outside already, so I walk down the hotel stairs. Aidan hands me his helmet when I reach him and drives us to a bowling place.

We walk up to the register and give the man our tickets that Aidan paid for and a snack. I put on my shoes and wait for Aidan to finish putting his. When we start playing, I didn't take down all the pins until my third try.

"Wow," Aidan says, walking up from behind me, "you're good at this."

"A little," I chuckle. "I've just had a lot of practice because I've been to some parties at a few bowling places, that's all."

"Alright, then you should teach me."

I laugh. "Sure thing."

I indicate him how he should stand and grab the bowling ball, which includes a lot of touching. I touched his hands to show him how he should grab it to get a better aim and grip and I touched his waist to make him face the right way he should. I normally don't touch him as much, I almost lose my senses. He finally managed to take all the pins down.

"Oh wow, thank you, (y/n)!" He says, laughing and hugging me.

"You're welcome," I say, trying not to stutter and stay calm.

We keep playing and eat some fruit in-between rounds until our time is up and return to our hotel.

"I... really hope you had a great time, (y/n)," he smiles nervously, leaving me in front of my hotel room door.

"I had an amazing time," I answer, smiling. "Thank you Aidan."

"You're welcome," he doubts for a second if he should do something or not, and then his mind finally decides even before he can stop his actions. He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I blush like crazy, scared he might think I have a fever or something.

"I had a very good time too," he says, blushing too.

I'm scared that this might mean something else... but we did have a good time. Probably some of my fondest memories will be at that bowling place. We talked about many things. He asked about school and I asked about how online school has been for him.

We laughed a lot and I really felt like I fell in love with him all over again, having that bond we always had and seeing him smile, those things got to me.

"I'm very glad," I smile, trying to seem calm.

"Well, I'll leave then," he says, starting to walk backwards.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow with everyone else." I say.

"See you-" he bumps into a flower pot, almost dropping and breaking it on the floor but managing to grab it before any impact were to happen. He turns around and runs away, embarrassed.

I watch him until he disappears into his own room. I close my door and almost scream, but I manage to contain myself before scaring anyone at the hotel.

While I freak out on the inside, I don't realize my phone buzzes until I get a hold of myself.

Hey, I really need to talk to you, are you free so I can come over?

It's Laura. This sounds serious. If she just wanted to spare time with me, she would've said something like "heyyyyy girllllll, u up and free?????", because she has so much trust in me as well and likes to message me like this. But when she begins our conversation with a serious tone like this one, it's sometimes scary.

Yeah sure you can come, what happened?

I don't think it's something that should be told over the phone, I'll be there in five

She's really scaring me right now. But I wait for her until she arrives and knocks on the door. The second I open it, she pushes past me and goes into my room.

"What has got into you?" I tell her.

"No time for apologies or anything, I actually have tea to spill this time," she says, somewhat serious regardless of what she just said.

I shut the front door and walk to my room, where she placed some snacks so we could talk over chips and chocolates.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Okay, first important question, have you hung out with Aidan this evening?" She asks.

"Yeah exactly, why? How do you know?"

"I went to the shopping mall, because I needed some new stuff like makeup, socks and such, you know, normal shopping."


"And I think," she grabs me by the shoulders, "I saw Jane with another guy there, and they might have been kissing."

She whispers me that last part close to my face and I just sit there in shock. Jane? So this is why Aidan told me she didn't want to go with him bowling? I don't think she's capable of doing stuff like this... is she?

"But..." I struggle to find the words to say, "are you sure it's Jane Gary you're talking about?"

"Wait, her last name is Gary?" Laura asks, confused.

"That's not the important thing here, is it really her you're talking about?"

"Well, I don't want to ruin her or her reputation either. She seems like a very kind person, even though she might have stolen the boy of your dreams. And I'm not that type of girl that creates fake rumors about other people, specially other girls, and you know that better than anyone. So there's still a high chance that I might be wrong or that I might have seen her when she wasn't there. Maybe it was just someone very, very similar. Things like that could happen."

"Yeah exactly," I say. "Maybe you were distracted and saw someone else but thought it was Jane. Besides, there's a lot of red-haired girls with green eyes," I giggle.

"Yeah, you're pretty much right."

"Well, since you're here and we clarified that, would you like to stay for a sleepover?" I say, excited.

"Ohh, do you have tea to spill too?" She asks with a smirk.

"Maybe..." I laugh.

"Sure, I'd love to stay for a sleepover," she says.

We watch a movie and eat some of the snacks she brought. I tell her about when I went to Cameron's house, about that night with Aidan, Dante and his scooter and just now that Aidan and I went bowling.

I also told her that since I'm trying my hardest to forget about Aidan, I have been very focused on these two guys until now, Cameron and Dante. They seem really cute and fun to hang out with but if I get to choose, I don't know who to pick. It's not like I'm using them to forget Aidan or want to play with their feelings, I'm not like that. But I want to get to know them, then something might happen in between the guy I choose and me. Maybe we could go to the premiere together.

None of us realize we fall asleep later on until my mom wakes us up in the morning.

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