Chapter 19

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We struggle a little to figure out a way to get to the Diner, but at last we all decide to get Ubers. I get into one with Dante and Laura, a good balance of three people in the back of the car.

"Hey, (y/n)," Dante calls my attention in the car, "have you ever been on screen before? Like, in a TV show or a movie, something more important? Asides from Umbrella Academy, I mean."

"I tried getting roles all my life but it used to be very hard up until now," I tell him, "and I also practiced a lot at my school when I had the chance to appear at some theater performances."

"That's so interesting," he says.

I giggle. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering, because, as Aidan had said, you're a natural. You're very good in acting, I admire you."

I feel my cheeks slightly warm up, so I cover face. "Thanks. I haven't been able to watch your acting, but I will when I have the time. I'm sure you're a great actor too."

He smiles and looks down. "Thanks."

Laura then comes up with a new topic to talk about, which is rumors about celebrities. She just looks at us and goes "have you heard that Billie has a boyfriend? Like, is it true?". And we keep talking about false and true rumors about a couple of other celebrities.

I normally don't like gossip because I've always thought that gossiping isn't good, but whenever I get into it, I can't help myself. It's just so much fun to gossip and realize how many things you didn't know in the past.

When we get to the Diner, Dante offers to pay for my food. And, even though we argue for a while about it, I finally agree that he pays when he's able to convince me.

We're the second ones to get here, the first ones were TJ and Cameron. They told us they saved a table for all of us through chat. We approach them, Laura sits down next to TJ, Dante next to Cameron and I sit down next to Dante.

"What were you guys talking about?" I ask.

"Mostly discussing what we'll order," Cameron laughs.

"Hey, (y/n)," TJ calls me, "I saw Aidan and Jane at the movies..."

"Yeah, me too..." I reply.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I look at her, confused.

"Because he can't see the amazing girl you are," she says, smiling sadly. "I know you've been in love with him probably since forever. And I'm sure it must devastating to realize that he's not into you."

"It's really not like that," I say, "if he likes Jane more than me, that's fine. I can take it... sort of. But it's not like he doesn't see the kind of girl I am, it's just that I'm not quite his type."

"But of course you are! Okay, maybe you might not be as pretty as Jane-"

"Oh, great way to start," I interrupt her, sarcastically.

"-Because you don't have green eyes or red hair, but you're wonderful. I mean you're gorgeous and intelligent, very smart, you know how to cook and oh my gosh, I could be here all week again."

I chuckle. "Thanks TJ, but maybe Aidan just doesn't consider me a lover, maybe we're just friends for him and that's okay! I don't mind, because if he's happy, then I'm happy."

"Well, that's good to hear," she smiles, "then, have y'all seen the menu? I told Cameron I wanna try the Caesar salad or the Maine Italian sandwich."

"I'll have a look later, I'm not hungry yet," I confess, placing my hand under my chin, my elbow on the table.

"Oh, by the way, (y/n)," Cameron calls my attention.

"Yeah?" I look at him.

"When can we repeat what we did last time? This time, at an arcade, what do you say?" His eyes widen.

"I'm so down," I say, "though I found a place where we can play mini golf, what do you say?"

"Sounds fun! When are you free?"

"Let's go next week, shall we?"

"Cool! Just lemme know when exactly."


Just then, the bell on top of the door rings, announcing someone else has arrived. I turn around and see Eden and Blake coming inside, grabbed by their hands cutely.

Aww, I wish I could have someone to grab hands with that cutely...

I shake off my thoughts and wave at them. When they spot me, they wave back.

"Hey guys!" Eden greets.

"Hi!" We say.

"Come and sit down!" TJ says.

Eden sits down next to Laura and Blake next to Eden.

"Have y'all been here before?" Eden asks.

"Not really," TJ says, "I've just been wanting to come since it opened."

"I've been to an 80s Diner before," Cameron says, "but this one is prettier and cozier than the one I've been to."

We keep talking about our favorite places until Aidan and Jane arrive.

"Hey!" Jane greets us. "I'm so sorry we're late, we stopped at a vegan restaurant that's not too far from here to buy some vegan food just in case this Diner doesn't have vegan options."

"Well, we won't know until we check the menu," I smile, grabbing my menu from the table.

"What do they have?" Eden asks.

"Well, there are drinks," I start, flipping through the pages, "meals, warm soups, cold soups, salads, desserts and... vegan options!" I smile, looking at Aidan.

"I should've waited then," Aidan laughs.

"That's okay, just go ahead and eat what you bought."

"Well, we are gonna order," Eden tells us.

She kindly calls for a waitress and she comes towards our table.

"Hello children," she says, "what would you guys like to order?"

"Just a glass of water please," Aidan says.

"Make it two, please," Jane smiles.

"Alright then," the lady writes down the two glasses of water, smacking a piece of gum.

"I'll have a chicken Alfredo," Eden says, "with salad please."

"And I'll have a hamburger with fries," Cameron says.

"I'll take two small tacos," Blake says.

"I'll take some pasta with meatballs," Laura says.

"(y/n)?" Dante tells me. "Order first."

I smile. "I'll take a vegan burger with fries, please, thanks."

"And I'll have a subway sandwich, please," Dante answers last.

"Got it," the lady smacks her gum. "So that'll be two glasses of water, a chicken Alfredo with salad, a normal burger and a vegan burger both with fries, two small tacos, pasta with meatballs and a sub, is that right?"

"Yes," Dante says.

"And would you all like to drink something else?" She asks again.

"Some orange juice," Eden offers for us all and we agree.

"Great! Then orange juice and that's all, perfect. I'll be right back with your meals."

She goes to the back and we keep talking until she comes with our food.

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