Chapter 12

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"Well," I start, "this is all ready! Let's go eat and watch anime."

We cheer with the food in hands and go to his room. I sit down next to Cameron and he puts The Promised Neverland. We both get very addicted to it soon, so we watch two more episodes and then decide to turn off the TV to eat and talk.

"We can watch something else if you'd like," Cameron tells me.

"Huh?" I ask, looking at him.

"Come on," he laughs, "I saw your face and you seem like you don't like it."

"I'm just not used to it, that's all," I laugh. "Why don't we play something?"

"Okay," Cameron says, "like what?"

I think for a little while. "Maybe Modern Warfare?" I smirk.

"Are you good at it?" He smiles, amused.

I scoff. "I'm excellent and I will have no compassion with you."

"Oh, you're already tasting victory? You're that good?"

"Pretty much."

"Alright, show me what you've got then," he takes a PlayStation joystick and hands it to me, "here, let's do it right now."

"Alright, get ready to lose then."

He puts in the game, chooses teams and we start playing. He is very good, I must admit, but I can still beat him after years of practice with Lauren's older brother. I used to go to her house every day, so her brother eventually became my brother too.

"What?!" He screams when he's defeated. "I swear there's something wrong with this joystick, my character wasn't running fast enough."

"Oh yeah, right," I say, mocking him, "that's a classic one. Just accept your defeat Cameron!"

"Okay, you are pretty good, I hate to admit it," he says, finally defeated.

"Thank you," I say, victorious.

"Want revenge?" He asks, enthusiastically.

"Hell yeah!"

We play for a long while until I have to get back to my hotel again. I had a great time with him, we laughed all evening and played many things. He's an amazing guy. I tell him goodbye and take a nap when I return to my hotel.

My mom slightly wakes me up at noon to tell me that she's going out for the night and I'm staying with my dad. She didn't tell me exactly where she was going, but I guessed she was going to see some friends.

I finally wake up later in the afternoon to my phone buzzing. Jane sent me a message so I open it.

Did you have a date with Cameron?!

I don't know how did she get my number but I assumed she asked Aidan for it so I don't make a big deal out of it.

Um, kind of... but how do you know about that?

Well, let's say he told me about it

He did? What did he say?

I think he might be into you a little and probably asked me for some advice since I'm a girl and the closest to you
It's just an assumption though, but yeah

Well, yeah I went to his house and we cooked, watched anime and played, we had a great time

That's actually great to hear!
Sweetie, if you want, I can help you hook up with him

I think for a while. It's not a bad idea, I mean, I'm still trying to forget about Aidan anyways, so this might be a great start.

You'd do that?

Of course, my pleasure!

Then yeah, I'd very much appreciate that a lot!

Perfect! Well, I'll let it be a surprise hehe

Alright, you just let me know <3

Of course!

I place my phone on the night table again and get out of my room. My dad brought dinner and I can smell it as soon as I open the door. It must be piping hot.

"Hey dad," I say, my voice still hoarse from sleep, "what did you bring?"

"I bought some pasta salad," he tells me, "since you told me you wanted to become vegan, I thought this would be something we can both enjoy, is that okay?"

"Yeah, thanks dad, I'm glad you remembered," I smile.

"Of course," he smiles back. "And so, what will we do tonight? Your mom said she was going out with a couple of friends and was gonna buy us some presents."

"Oh, I really hope she buys me that watch that I want so much."

"Let's cross our fingers," he laughs.

"Yeah, um, I'm thinking maybe we could watch a movie if you promise not to sleep through it," I laugh.

"Hey, I'm a busy man," he points at me.

I giggle. "Of course you are, dad."

"Then, what movie are we watching?"

"I dunno," I think for a while. "How about... if we start a new show?"

"Not Umbrella Academy again, please," he begs.

"No," I laugh. "I was gonna say "A Series Of Unfortunate Events", I heard it's really good."

"As long as it has a good plot, I'd like to watch it."

"We'll see," I get my computer from my bed and join my dad on the stools by the counter. He gives me my corresponding pasta dish while I look for the show on my computer.

We start eating and watching. While I like the series and pretty much praise the actors, my dad finds it a little ridiculous but interesting all the same.

After two episodes, I hear him snore, completely knocked out. So I turn off my computer and let him sleep while I return to my bed and unconsciously stay up until twelve in the morning. I'm snapped back to reality when I hear the hotel door click open. Some footsteps approaching the room.

It's my mom.

I quickly turn off my phone and leave it on the night table to make it seem like I was sleeping for hours now. I hear she places something on my table as well. It sounds like a box.

Oh no she did not

I manage to control myself and not rush to open the present. After I hear her entering the bathroom and change clothes, I manage to drift off.


The next day, I wake up early to take advantage of my day off set. Dante told me he also had a day off and offered to take me to the mall. At this point, I feel like I have plenty guys that could make me forget about Aidan and I'm not sure how to feel about that. Let's just say, most of them are trying to be nice.

I don't want to make anyone suffer, that's not my point at all. I'm not forcing myself to fall in love, or at least I hope I'm not. But it completely destroyed me seeing Aidan with another girl when I got here. Of course I want him to be happy, but I admit I'm selfish and I wanted him to be happy with me. If anything, all I need is forget him, and I'm hoping anyone can help me with that right now. Even if it means going out with a couple of guys...

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