Not A Pretty Pink

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8th Grade - 14 years old

I feel a nudge on my arm, forcing me to wake up. Laura is looking at me with a disappointed face.

"Is it lunchtime already?" I ask, stretching, my voice coming out hoarsely.

"You missed the entire class," she says, trying to stay calm.

"Shoot," I rub my eyes. "Can you hand me your notes later? Come by my house after class."

"(y/n) this is the third time you sleep during class this week, and it's barely Tuesday," she tells me.

"I know," I groan. "I swear I'm trying."

"Well it doesn't look like it!" She laughs sarcastically, slamming her hands on her desk and standing up.

I place a hand over my face after I realize everyone left already. "Please, just one more opportunity."

"I already gave you like five, (y/n)," she looks back at me with a sad expression.

I sigh. "I'm sorry."

"What's going on? And I want you to reply honestly."

I uncover my face to look at her better, take in a deep breath and let it out again. "I'm overthinking again, so I can't sleep."

"Overthinking about what?"

"Practically everything, the exams, my parents and Aidan."

I barely whisper, but she hears me anyway. "I get it that you're worried about your parents, it's not an easy thing to go through. But you have to understand that it's out of your control, only they can fix it."

"I don't want them to get a divorce," I lay my head on my arms on the desk, feeling the tightness in my throat.

"I don't think they will, they just need to sort out their differences and they're very capable of doing that."

"The exams are not helping. Miss Alex warned me that I am prone to losing the school year."

"You can't lose the school year, (y/n), she just says that to scare you."

"I just feel like if I'm not good enough I'm not helping my parents. I feel like I am more of a burden for both of them."

"Look, think of it this way, I'll drop by your house everyday to study with you, and I promise after your finals you'll pass. I'm not saying you'll get perfect grades, but you will be able to pass and that's all that matters now."

I move my head sideways to look at the wall. "I didn't want my parents to receive something they didn't expect, but I'll try to please them one way or another."

"It's not your job to please them. If they don't like your grades, well, for the big picture it's their fault too. Your dad shouldn't have argued because your mom spend too much, he was just being selfish."

"Even worse after he made a bet in the casino and lost all our money drunk out of revenge that night. He's so stupid," I whispered the last sentence and moved my head back to its original place.

"He really is. And, what about Aidan?"

I raise my head, tears have started to form because I see Laura's face blurry. "It looks like he has a girlfriend but I didn't actually search for that information. If I find out it's true, I'll be heartbroken," I place my legs on the chair, bending my knees upwards, "I just really thought there was something sparking between us."

She sighs, walking around the desk to hug me. "It's gonna be alright okay? You'll be fine, I promise," she whispers and kisses my head.

I rub her forearms and close my eyes. "I don't have any money for lunch again."

"It's okay, I brought some pasta for you."

I smile with my lips, not opening my eyes. "Thank you," I whisper.

"Come on, I bet you're hungry."

"Well, I do love pasta."

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