Chapter 22

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I wake up to some noises coming from the living room, sounding like books falling, wood sounds and a TV show so I walk into the room to see what was going on.

"What's all this fuss about?" I ask, still rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry honey, we lost something and we're just searching for it," my mom asks. "Nothing too important, you should go back to sleep."

"What time is it?" I ask, yawning.

"It's eight thirty sweetie," my mom answers.

"Well, it's still pretty early," I answer. "But I'll just have breakfast and then go out with the cast members at twelve. I'll return home for the evening."

"You'll go out again?" My dad asks.

"No, I'll just have lunch with them and then I'll be back home."

"Alright, would you like to come with us to the theater?" He asks again.

"It depends," I answer, "what will we watch?"

"Annie, the musical sweetheart," my mom answers. "Ballet. I thought you might like it since you like art that much."

"Ballet? I'd love to," I smile.

"Great!" She claps her hands together. "We will go after lunch and then we can go on a small road trip and order some sushi at a restaurant, how does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect!" I smile widely.

"Alright, eat breakfast now love," my mom pushes me aside.

I laugh. "Okay, what did you get this time?"

"I got you some cookies and there's either coffee or tea if you'd like, you choose."

"Awesome, thanks mom."

I grab four cookies from the table and serve myself some tea. I just put a little bit of sugar and skip the milk. When I'm done eating, I put on a movie to watch with my parents for a little while.

After Titanic ended, I take a small and quick shower and dress up in some summer clothes. The day is perfect today, since yesterday was cloudy and the weather was very cold, but today the weather is slightly warmer and sunny, with some cold winds that allow me to wear some jeans.

When I'm done, I ask my parents to drop me off at the karaoke place for lunch. They agree and take me there, arriving at eleven fifty.

Only TJ is sat down at a table when I come inside. I approach her covering her eyes from behind. She gets startled a little and laughs when she sees me. I sit down in front of her to talk face to face.

"I thought Cameron would come with you," I start, "what happened?"

"We were both busy in the morning, I had to do some filming and he was... well, asleep," she laughs.

"That's something he does on a daily basis to be honest," I laugh too.

"So, what do you think of the place so far?" She asks.

I look around, interested. "It's very pretty and such. The stage is big enough for someone to move around, so that's cool. And the place gives me very cool vibes and kinda makes me feel like that main character who sings amazing but doesn't know it," I laugh again.

 And the place gives me very cool vibes and kinda makes me feel like that main character who sings amazing but doesn't know it," I laugh again

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