Chapter 31

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After the premiere, everyone of the cast members go to TJ's house, I clueing Gerard and Mr Blackman. It's incredible how beautiful her house is and how amazing she decorated everything.

"(y/n)," she calls me over the music. "Care for a drink?"

"Sure!" I tell her.

"Would you like something strong or soft?" She smirks.

"Wait are you suggesting I drink alcohol?" I laugh.

"If you want to. I mean, you're 18 already, I don't think there's nothing wrong. If you end up drinking a bit extra, I will personally take care of you, I promise," she smiles.

"Deal, I'll have a drink!" I tell her.


She brings me a small glass with a light brown, transparent liquid inside.

"Is this rum?" I ask.

"It's not pure rum, it's an alcoholic drink," she says.

I try a sip and realize it's sweet, so I keep drinking.

"Is it good?" TJ asks.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get the hang of alcohol!" We laugh.

"Well, you can have as many as you'd like."

"Good to know."

And I regret even agreeing to one drink. I know TJ didn't mean any harm at all, she probably just wanted us to have a good time and happened to have alcohol lying around for us. But after that first drink, I had one, two, three, way too many drinks.

I started kissing Dante a lot, but he never tried to do anything else. What I regret the most, is being too drunk to say the things I've said.

"Guys, you know?" I say in the middle of the dance floor, where we were all dancing together. Laura included. "I don't think there's been a single day when I don't think about Aidan!"

"What?!" Someone replies to me.

In my defense, I wasn't the only one who was drunk.

"Yeah! I haven't stopped loving him!" I shout again.

"What about Dante?!" The same person screams back.

"I love Dante as well, but Aidan stole my heart when we were kids!"

I started laughing like crazy. Dante tried to make me explain everything but I kept pushing him away.

Aidan kept himself sober that night, I kept trying to kiss him but he obviously didn't let me. I feel like he was still in shock.

The next day, I apologize for making everyone uncomfortable and gladly everyone tells me it's okay, except for Aidan, Dante, and Jane.

Dante obviously came to me to ask what was I thinking last night. He arrives at my place, more storming into than entering peacefully, but I didn't mind. I understand he's hurt and mad at me, so I didn't complain.

He truly stares at me as if I had just stolen his heart, dreams, probably even everything he once ever knew. Which I did. I broke him apart without even thinking of the consequences. I didn't think a few drinks of alcohol would turn into something terrific. Especially I didn't think those few drinks would turn out to be anything but.

"That's the thing," I tell him, "I wasn't thinking! I was drunk! I'm sorry!"

"And why would you be drinking that much?!" He screams back. "You know your limit! You know how little alcohol tolerance you have! Why did you keep going?!"

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