Chapter 29

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I do as TJ told me to and walk towards my scene, seeing David Castañeda and Dante there.

"Hey there, pequeña (y/n)," David says.

I snigger. "What?"

"Oh you don't know Spanish, pardon," he laughs. "Pequeña means small and little."

"Oh, it sounds so cute!"

"I guess does, how have you been?"

"Excellent actually, what about you?"

"Doing very good too."

"I'm glad," I turn to Dante. "Hey Dante."

"Hi," he says, slightly nervous. "Did you get my present?"

I nod enthusiastically again and hug him in a tight embrace.

"Aww," we hear David say. "Si esto fuera una novela de mi querido Mexico, ahora estaría entrando la amante del novio diciendo que está embarazada," he laughs.

(Translation: if this were a novela (drama series in Latin America) from my dear Mexico, the mistress would storm inside and say that she's pregnant (to ruin the guy's life and the relationship))

"What?" Dante and I ask, turning around to face him.

"Nada," he clears his throat. "Nothing. Just thinking out loud in Spanish."

"Which scene are we filming by the way?" I ask.

"You and I," David tells me, "are gonna film a memory. You see, Diego actually loved Number Eight and regretted not telling her sooner."

"Oh, okay, got it," I turn to Dante, "what about you? Will you be filming?"

"I think I will, but later. I just came here to say hello," he confesses.

"Okay, I'll see you around."

"See you."

David and I shoot our scene and when we're done, Mr Blackman tells me that I can take a small five minute break to drink water and retouch anything that might need a retouch, like my make up, and to also call Elliot for his scene.

I do as he asks me and call Elliot, a little anxious because he's a professional and I've always been a huge fan of his.

"Um, Elliot?" I ask, knocking on his trailer door.

"Hey," he smiles at me, (y/n), right?"

"Yeah that's me," I say nervously.

"What is it?"

"Mr Blackman is looking for you to shoot a scene."

"Oh, alright. I'll be off then."

"Okay cool, see you around."


After my small break, I shoot two more scenes and I'm done for the day. I go back to my hotel and crash onto my bed.

"Hey hon," my mom greets me. "Tired much?"

"Yeah," I laugh. "Hey, guess what someone got me."

"Uh, I don't know. Did Aidan get you a chocolate?"

I shake my head.

"What is it?"

I get up and bring the bouquet Dante gave me.

"Dante gave me this bouquet," I say, showing it to her.

She gasps. "Really? It's so pretty! He's such a cute boy, I really like him."

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