Chapter 30

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One year later

"How do you like the dress dear?" My mom asks.

I flatten the skirt a little and turn around, trying to see the back of the dress. It's the first time in years that I feel like a princess and very confident in a pretty dress like this one.

"I love it!" I finally say.

"You don't feel it tight anymore?" The seamstress asks me. "Or too loose anywhere? Nothing uncomfortable?"

"Not at all," I answer.

"Okay, we're taking it," my mom tells the lady.

"Alright," she starts unzipping the back of my dress, "I hope you have an amazing time at the premiere and the after party."

"Thank you," I smile. "I'm still kinda nervous though, ever since the season came out, my Instagram has been exploding with followers."

My mom laughs. "I'm sure everything will be fine."

"And don't forget to take off the long skirt for the party," the lady tells me again.

"Yeah, I won't forget I promise."

"Alright, well let me put it inside the suit holder and you're ready to take it with you."

"Thank you."

I change into my normal clothes again and my mom and I are ready to take the dress with us.

"I have a surprise for you," my mom tells me after we place my dress down on my bed.

"Really? What is it?" I ask, excited.

"Remember you told me about that watch you wanted to take to the premiere a year ago?"


"Well, I actually got it last year already when it was on sale because I didn't know if it was gonna be on sale again or not," she grabs a box from her purse and gives it to me. "Here, I hope you like it."

I gasp when I open the box. "It's perfect! Thank you mom! It even matches my dress."

"I'm so glad honey," she kisses my forehead. "By the way, Dante will come and pick you up, right?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Alright great, just confirming. How have you guys been? Good? Bad? Uncomfortable?"

"The relationship is going very good," I say with a dreamy smile. "He's the sweetest, always trying to make me laugh and giving me small presents every now and then."

"You've been together for less than a year right?"

"Ten months to be exact, yes."

"It's so cute."

Flashback ten months ago

We were sitting on Dante's bed, talking about many things and watching a romantic movie. When the main couple was dancing, he grabbed my hands to call my attention and looked at me dead in the eyes, but with a soft and tender look on his face.

"(y/n)," he started, "I've been wanting to tell you this for so long."

"What is it Dante?" I asked.

"I..." he took a deep breath. "I like you, (y/n). I like you a lot. And I've liked you since that first time we went out together. You're very special, talented and beautiful. I feel as if I wouldn't say these things to anyone else."

I smiled, blushing. "I-I like you too, Dante. You're the most amazing guy I've ever met."

"Would you... make my wish come true and become my girlfriend?"

"Yes," I said softly.

He hugged me tightly and then kissed me. It was a very cute kiss and I felt happy at that moment.

Present - Nighttime

My phone rings, making a loud noise on the wooden night table, and I pick it up.

"Yes?" I say into the phone.

"Babe, I'm here to pick you up," Dante replies. "Are you ready?"

"I'll be down in a second."

We hang up and I immediately put on my missing jewelry. Four rings, a chain and two bracelets. The less, the better. My crew that got me ready leaves after doing my hair and I tell Dante I'm coming down.

"Hi baby," I say, kissing Dante on the lips.

"Hey beautiful," he says after the kiss. "You look amazing.

I giggle. "You look very handsome."

He smiles. "Shall we go?"


We get to the place where the premiere is being held. Dante helps me to get out of the car and we walk together, me grabbing him by his arm.

Paparazzi start going crazy over us. They start to take pictures of me, of Dante, of both of us and even start asking questions.

"(y/n)," one of them says, "how long have you guys been together?!"

"Dante," another one calls for him, "how did you know (y/n) was the one?"

We both stay quiet, posing for the cameras, knowing that we will be interviewed inside of the building.

And in fact, when we step inside, two interviewers grab us and separate us both from each other.

"(y/n)," the lady that took me by the arm starts, "can I ask you some questions?"

"Sure!" I tell her.

"How did you feel when you got Number Eight's role?"

"I felt very happy. I've always wanted to become an actress ever since I was a little kid."

"Is it true that Aidan and you met at an audition?"


"Which audition? Was it the one from NRDD?"

"Yes, it was."

"And what happened then? Didn't you try to reach him?"

"Of course I tried! But it was so hard, I was very little and didn't know where he was, I didn't know anything!"

"And you guys never dated?!"

"No, Aidan has a girlfriend and I've always considered him my friend."

"I also heard you're now Dante's girlfriend! Is it true?! I saw you guys holding hands when you came in!"

I start getting annoyed by the stupid questions. My love story isn't the most important nor the most interesting thing that has happened to me lately.

"Yes, we're a couple. But is this interview about me or the boys I've been in contact with?!" I say, laughing, trying to sound as kind as possible.

"You're completely right! But I promise it's the last question about guys, have you seen Aidan anywhere?"

"Not really, why?!"

"It seems he can't get his eyes off of you! Look behind you!"

I turn around and see him staring at me so sharply I fear he might burn holes in my dress and then looking away again.

"Dante will be jealous!" I tell her.

"Well, let's talk about more personal things then, shall we?!"

"Yeah that sounds like a better plan!"

The lady keeps interviewing me until I have to walk by the red carpet. That's the thing that had me the most excited about, so I almost sprint and jump, pushing everyone away.

They take a lot of pictures of me and ask me a lot of questions as well. When I'm done, Aidan comes after me.

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