The Cullens

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I immediately felt very uncomfortable under the eyes of everyone in the school. But a specific group of people caught my eye...

They all had painfully pale skin and bronze gold eyes. They were all gorgeous and I suddenly felt myself get very self conscious. They were all looking at me too.

I saw Bella and Jess waving to me from across the room. I knew this was gonna upset Bella.

I turned on my heel and walked towards the gorgeous group if people. Then the not-so-discreet whispers of everyone in the cafeteria got even louder.

All of their eyes widened as I neered the table. Had no one tried to make friends with them before?

I stood in front of their table. "Hello!" I said with a big smile. None of them answered. They just stared at me, wide-eyed. "Do you have room for another person?" I asked, gesturing to an empty chair at the table.

A stunning girl with blonde hair and lipstick in hand responded.

"Sure." She said, almost studdering.

I sat down in a seat next to a boy with brown hair and chiseled cheek bones. He was simply heavenly.

God really does have favorites..

I thought and he chuckled beside me. Did I accidentally say that out loud? Man, I'm really losing myself these days..

"I'm Y/N." I said smiling.

"Rosalie." The girl with the blonde hair said.

"Emmet" A buff boy next to her replied with a wink, making Rosalie elbow him.

"I'm Alice." A pixie like girl said.

"JJasper.." A boy with a southern accent and golden hair said.

"I'm Edward Cullen." The boy next to me said as I smiled warmly at him, making him look down at his food.

His un-eaten food... their un-eaten food. I laughed a little and all of their heads snapped to look at me.

"So what are you guys, the vampire club?" I asked with a chuckle.

They didn't find it so funny and looked at me with intense eyes.

"Uhm.. I'm just kidding guys.." I said uncomfortably. 

They all laughed with me awkwardly before looking off into different directions.

It was then I realized that Edward wasn't breathing beside me. I looked over at him and he was already looking at me. I swear..

Then he started breathing again before I could even ask anything.

I sighed and sat back in my chair and they all looked at me. I smiled softly to them. 

"So.. are you guys like couples or something?" I asked.

They all scrambled to find a solid anwser befor Emmet clarified.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cullen adopted us at a young age. We all seemed to become very fond of eachother.." he trailed off like he didn't believe himself.

"So are you guys gonna eat that?" I asked, pointing at the un-eaten food on the table.

They all mumbled and muttered 'no' and 'I'm not really hungry's to me. I decided I wouldn't press it more.

After Lunch the day went by fairly quickly. Me and Bella walked out of the school after P.E and I was very busy studying the ground and smiling at it.

Suddenly I hear Bella beside me.


My head shot up as I saw a familiar face. He was looking at Bella though, for the moment. I rushed over to him and hugged him before he even knew I was coming.

"Jake! I missed you so much!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.

I pulled away from him and looked at him.

"You cut your hair!" I exclaimed happily. "It looks great"

"Yea.." Jacob stopped when his eyes met mine. He started to wobble a bit and kind of leaned on me. I held him up with Bella.

"Jake?" I asked concerned.

Word Count: 636

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