New Moon

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"If you say 'new year, new me' one more time-" I threaten, putting my pointer finger up to show I meant it.

"It's an affirmation!" Bella defends herself, laughing despite.

"You are not that nervous!" I tell her.

"I kinda am!" She replies as she pulls into the school parking lot.

"At least this time people won't be gawking at us." I tell her, hoping maybe that can be her new affirmation. Maybe if it was true.

Why were people looking at us all weird? Me and Bella's walk across the parking lot into the front building to get out schedules was full of people staring us down the whole time.

"Got some friends, new kid?" Some junior whispers to me tauntingly as he passes us in the hall. What?

The front desk lady quite literally flinches when she sees us walk in. What is going on here?

Her tiny hands are shaking when she hands us our schedules. This poor lady.

When we walk back into the hall, I make the realization that there is barely anyone there, and it's dangerously close to 8 o'clock. But, the few people in the hall are following a current to the back door.

"Bella, follow him." I tell Bella, gesturing to the kid in front of us heading towards the back doors. She gives me a weird look but doesn't question it, and the second the doors open everything clicks.

Bella takes in a violent gasp.

"Oh, you are so gonna regret that!" Jacob snarls, wiping his nose from blood.

Listen, I'm not dumb enough to get in between a fight between two normal teenage boys, much less supernatural ones, but that doesn't stop me from calling out.

"What in the hell are you two doing?" I scream at them both, and any cheering or talking immideatly comes to a hault.

Jacob and Edward falter, both stopping to look at me.

"Oh, no, don't stop for me! Go ahead, rip eachother apart!" I tell them, but instead they drop their fists. Edward looks off in the distance to avoid my eyes.

"What is wrong with you two?" Once I was close enough, I could say it at a normal volume. I felt like a mom disaplening her children.

"This isn't about you, Y/N." Edward says, and the words are meant to hurt, but they don't.

"Edward, look at me." And he does. "Is this face, in this moment, the one of someone who gives a crap what you two are fighting about? I don't care if it's about me, or Bella, or because Jacob is on your stupid territory again, or because of Leah or Rosalie, or because he called your mom a big, fat, ugly pig. I want you two to stop being such assholes to eachother all the time! For one minute!" The words come out fast.

Edward looks down, but he doesn't respond. Jacob does too.

"Well, you two?" I ask expectantly.

"Sorry." They both mutter so quietly I can just barely make it out.

"Good. Now, Edward, get to class. That goes for all of you, too!" I tell the whole crowd of people around us. "And, Jacob, go wherever you need to go."

Jacob says something quietly.


"I'm enrolled here."


"Y/N, please come sit by us-" Alice begs, sitting down at my table.

"Alice, I love you, but I cannot speak to Edward or Jacob right now." I tell her with a small smile. She frowns.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, maybe it will be better tommorow and we can talk about Bella's upcoming party." I tell her, which I know Alice would like to hear. The idea seems to lighten her up, and she beams.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Y/N." She gets up and leaves my table, and I return to my book.

"Y/N, please come sit with u-"

"Jacob Black, you are an idiot." I tell him without even looking up.

"But, Y/N,"

"But, Jacob!" I mock him, finally closing the book and fixing him with a look. He looks defeated.

"Fine." He stands and leaves.


"I can't believe he's over there bothering her!" Edward exclaims.

"You just sent Alice to do the same thing." Emmett points out.

"Yeah, well he at least could have sent Bella or something."

"Very funny, Edward." Rosalie mutters, pushing her uneaten food around.

"It wasn't a joke."

"Even better." Rosalie says, putting her fork down finally.

"What's wrong, Rosalie?" Jasper asks.

"Nothing," she hesitates, "It's just that you really upset Y/N this morning, Edward. That was unfair."

"But Jacob-"

"No buts. She is trying to have a normal school year and you've already messed it up for her!" Rosalie's eyebrows knit together.

"So how do we fix that?" Edward asks, obviously rhetorically.



"Oh my god, they are absolutely not doing this!" I exclaimed, holding the paper in my hands.

"Looks like they are." Bella let's out a small laugh.

"That's not even fair! I didn't even get a say in this! And this whole thing is stupid!"

"Don't underestimate the need for renovation of the gym." Bella tells me with a pointed finger. A picnic bid? How cliché is that? And just how did I get on this list?

"No, I'm going to speak with the prinicpal-" I start, trying to turn, but I run into a certain golden retriever.

"So, Y/N, I heard you are going to be one of the bids." Mike says with a suggestive smile.

"Nope," I tell him, and his smile drips immideatly. "There was a mistake. I'm actually going to go fix it right no-"

"Or," Mike interupps me, and I realize I really do not have the patience for this right now, "You can just stick with the mistake. So what? It's for a good cause anyway, right?"

I send a glance to Bella, who smiles and shrugs.

Trying desperately to hold my temper, I realize there is no way I'm getting out of this.

"Fine." I grit out. "I'll do it." I tell him, and his wide smile returns.

"Hopefully you and Jessica will have fun during the picnic." I snap at him one final time, his smile dropping again when I bring up his girlfriend who is also very much on the list.

"Yeah.." He agrees, and I nod, feeling more pleasant.

"Y/N, we should probably go." I can hear the humor is Bella's voice even though she tries to smother it.

"Yeah." I agree, and we turn to go to P.E, our last class.

what do you guys want to happen next chapter?

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