Port Angeles

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Quick A/N: I'm gonna keep you guys on your toes about who she chose and in which context that she's going until the Prom chapter. I know, I'm evil.

"Where have you two been!?" Jessica asks hurriedly, slamming her hands on the desk. Angela, quiet, looks over to her like she's crazy.

"We got chickenpox." I deadpan, and Bella has to hold in laughter at my excuse and Jessica's perplexed face.

"Well, me and Jess were just talking about buying our Prom dresses in Port Angeles." Angela says softly, smiling warmly. I appreciate that she didn't press where we were.

"On Saturday?" Bella asks.

"Yes." Angela nods, looking at Jessica, who is still confused.

"I can make it," I tell her, "But I'm not sure about Bella."

"Yeah, I'll be there." Bella says pointedly. Then, the teacher walks in and English class begins.

Alice was waiting for me outside of the door. She links her arm with mine.

"So, since we're going to Port Angeles this weekend, I was wondering what kind of dress you were getting." You didn't even question her, and answered,

"I'm not sure yet, actually." Alice frowns at this.

"Can you please just make a descision?" She says impatiently.

"Okay, fine, I'll only get a blue dress." You respond and Alice stops and closes her eyes. Her delicate eyebrows furrow, and she opens them again.

"Don't get a blue dress." She advises.

"Okay then, I'll only get a red dress with a big puffy waistline." You were teasing her now, but she still closes her eyes.

Her little twinkling laugh fills the air and then stops when she opens her eyes again.

"If I were you I wouldn't do that." She says with another laugh.

"Listen, let's just go to the dress shop and see what happens then." You tell her with a smile. She looks bummed, but nods.

You two walk into the cafeteria, and see an unexpected sight.

At the Cullen's usual table, they are not alone, for Jacob is leaning over the table and menacingly in Edward and Emmett's face. Behind him were Seth and Leah Clearwater, Seth's eyes everywhere but the table as he evaluated the very interesting ceiling.

Leah, however, was looking from person to person, and eventually her eyes met yours.

She kept them, your eyes, your eye contact, for a second, before ripping them away. You and Alice moved towards them.

Jacob stood up and turned to Leah, and he had grown more from the last time you saw him. He towered over Leah.

"What was that about?" He drawls, and the anger in his voice is fresh and terrifying.

Her eyes dart to you. "Nothing, Jacob. Are you guys done talking?"

"Jake?" The last time you saw him, he was smiling from ear to ear and calling Bella "loca". What had happened?

He turned to you immideatly, but the anger in his eyes did not dissipate.

"Are you serious? Where have you been? I've been worried sick over you!" His voice booms in your ears. All this time, you had not cried, but now you might.

"I'm sorry, Jacob, I-"

"You didn't even think of me, did you, Y/N? Didn't even wonder about the little wolf boy who follows you around and begs for your attention?!"

Leah puts a hard, cationing hand on his arm. "Jacob, stop it." She says firmly, disguising a greater anger that was not saved for you.

"Are you serious?" You say, finally breaking, and mirroring his previous words. "You're seriously mad at me right now? You think I think of you that way, Jacob?

"Well, first of all, I'm sorry that you were having a hissy fit because I didn't call you while I was quite literally on the verge of death!

"And second of all, no, I don't think your some pathetic boy who follows me around like a lost puppy. No, Jacob, who I really think you follow around like a lost puppy is Bella!" The words come out rough and fierce before you can stop them, and for a minute he's taken aback.

Then he purses his lips with an unreadable expression, and grabs your wrist, pulling you out of the nearly empty cafeteria.

"Let go of me!" You force out, struggling to get your wrist from his grasp. Enough times have you allowed yourself to be pulled and pushed around, and this was the end.

"We're going to talk." He says firmly.

"No, no! We are not going to go anywhere to talk, Jacob! Quite frankly, I really wouldn't like to go anywhere alone with you! Just let me go, please!" The last words broke in your throat, and only then did he let go of you.

"Leave. Now." You heard Edward's voice close behind you, his breath on your neck.

"Before we have an issue." Rosalie agrees.

Jacob looks indescribably angry, and his eyes avoid yours. He sighs and walks out of the doors, and Edward follows him. You see Edward talk to him, the expression on his face one you hope you never have to face the wrath of.


"Imprinting on her was bad, Jacob. Calling her when we were on the run was worse. You came on our territory to drop her off twice, and even that I tolerated. This. This is where I draw the line. If you speak to her that way ever again-"

"Oh, don't act like such a hero, Edward. 'I'm coming to Y/N's rescue whnever she asks, and maybe I'll flirt with her cousin a little too!'" Jacpb's voice is mocking.

"Don't act like you don't do the same thing!" Edward accuses roughly.

"But I don't love Bella!" Jacob says in defense.

"Neither do I."



"Jacob, listen to me right now. Whatever you have held against Y/N, keep it away from her. Don't think for one second any wolfy claim will stop me from tearing you apart limb by limb. Got it?"

"I could say the same thing."

"So we're at an agreement?"

"That we are."

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