Pumpkin Eater

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"So, can I call you my girlfriend?"

"You know what. Sure."

"Edward, slow down!" I tell him with a small laugh as he forcibly leads me through the woods to get to a meadow.

"Sorry." He says, and stops to let me catch my breath. We haven't told anyone we're "dating" yet, and for the record I don't really want to. It's been around two weeks since we went o our first date.

I'm not even really sure about this whole thing- and God forbid I have to deal with.. well, everyone when they find out.

"Come, come!" He says after a few seconds and continues to drag me.

When we finally reach the place he's talking about, I know it.

"Edward." I press my hand to my mouth.

"What? Is it okay?"

"Ed! It's amazing!" I rush to the picnic he has set up with all my favorite foods.

"How did you know about all of this?" I ask, gesturing to the myriad of foods on the ground.

"I could read your mind for a time." He reminds me, slipping his hands around my waist.

"Yes, but I have no idea how you remembered it all!" I tell him, astonished.

"I couldn't forget anything about you if I tried." He tells me, his head coming to rest in the crook of my neck.

And we stay there for quite a while, until we, I, finally indulge in an amazing lunch.


I'm laying in my bed testing some music when it hits me.

My purse. I left it in the meadow. Shoot.

I rise to look out the window, happy to see that the sun has yet to set- and I may still have an hour or two to get it before the rain ruins it.

A few weeks ago I would be worried about my hair, and the rain ruining the dye, but I have died my hair back to it's  natural color a few days ago. I suppose something in me was satisfied— I had proved my point.

Bella's out with Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley tonight- so she won't be home for a while anyway. But, thankfully, she still has her truck here since Jessica drove. A little out of character, but I'm still thankful.

The sun is setting at an alarming pace- it usually doesn't set this fast, or maybe time is going faster- but I press my foot harder on the gas as I try to reach the meadow.

I think I just about remember the route that me and Edward took, but I'm sure that managing through it was quicker with Edward at my side.

The ground is damp, reflecting the oncoming weather. I try to keep my footing and keep from slipping, but that isn't in the daylight, much less in the sunset.

When I've struggled along a rough path for about five minutes, I start to hear talking. I think maybe Edward has come back, with Alice or Emmett maybe, and I leave my mind vulnerable so he can know I am near.

The talking does not stop, however, and it is beginning to rain by the time I finally reach the clearing.

And in that moment, I genuinely wish I never did.

Turn back. Leave. Pretend it never happened. Who cares about the 40 dollars in your purse? No one's going to decline money, even if it's a little damp.

My thoughts scream at me, but I am frozen in place as I watch Edward and Bella's lips crash together. Bella pulls away and smiles at him.

Run. Run. Run. They'll see you. Move. Run.

Is all I can think, finally turning to move.

My tears, and the sound of Edward's yelling, are covered by the storm as it finally hits all at once. I sprint back on the trail, not caring if I'll slip, not caring if Edward will eventually catch up.

Just get to the car. The car. Please get to the car.

I slip on a root momentarily, letting out a short shriek as I fall in the mud. I get up abruptly, continuing to run the rest of the way back to my car.

"Y/N!" Edward calls one last time before I get in my car and speed away.


Charlie doesn't ask a single question when I enter his house wet, and muddy, my hair probably sticking up in all directions.

I rush up to my room, desperate for a shower. Maybe, if the thing is loud enough, I can finally sob.

But, unfortunately, when I open my door, I am met with a certain Edward.

"Y/N." He tells me gently.

I cannot believe what is about to come out of my mouth.

"You're forgiven. I forgive you. It's fine, I'll pretend I didn't see what I saw. I just really don't want to talk about it right now." I tell him frantically, taking off my dirty (but mostly dry) coat and throwing it in my laundry basket.

"Y/N. I don't want to forget what happened." He says, making me stop in my tracks.

"What?" I ask him cautiously.

"I don't.. I don't think this will work out. I was silly to think it would, and I'm sorry for bringing you into my undecided decision."

I'm quiet for a moment, the sobs threatening to return more quickly than anticipated.

"But.. I'm willing to forgive you." I say, a pathetic attempt. He takes one of my hands in his own.

"I know you are. I don't want you to forgive me. I want you to hate me."

"So you choose her, then?"

I ask, and his lips press together in a line.

"Bella didn't know about you and me."

"So you cheated on her too? Now, that makes you an asshole."

"We weren't together." He explains with a sigh.

"Okay. I need some time to think about this. Will you please leave?"

He nods, clearly glad that I have shown a sign of resentment towards him.

I walk toward the bathroom, tears already welling in my eyes.

"And, Y/N?" He asks as he stands beside the window.

I turn to look at him, not even burying to suck up as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I'm sorry. And I-"

"Save it." I tell him quietly, rushing into the bathroom.


"I love you."

hehe I love angst and making you all suffer

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