The Wedding

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A/N I hope you guys dont talk trash abt me in wattpad comment sections like "omg yeah once I read one where Bella and Paul were together 😟" and everyone is like "oh.." I SWEAR it's just something you have to be here for to understand

For the record- it's been two weeks since I visited Volterra. And things have been pretty tense lately considering the circumstances.

Carlisle agreed to fill out my request from the Volturi with some hesitance. He's overall happy that I'm staying with them, I think.

But everyone else hasn't been so excited. They haven't really been.. talking to me. So, instead of dwelling, I've planned Bella and Paul's entire wedding.

"It's beautiful, Y/N." Bella says, her voice muffled by tears.

"Oh, Bells, don't cry." I say, turning to hug her.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing it. I'm doing it."

"Oh, Bella." I pat her back.

"Thank you so much, Y/N."

"Oh, hon, it was my pleasure- really."

"Hello my favorite wedding planner and my 2 favorite fiancée." Says Paul as he approaches us.

He grabs Bella once she let go of me, pulling her to his side and kissing her forehead.

"Okay, no offense, but you two will never not be odd to me." I joke, smiling.

"Believe me, it's weird to me too." Paul says, which results in a hit from Bella.

"Oh, look at you two, already acting like an old married couple."

"Yes, well, that considered, Emily and Alice are upstairs waiting to test out some lipstick shades on you for tommorow, Bella." Paul says.

"Okay, I'll go there now." Bella says, giving Paul one last peck before going into the house.

"Thank you for doing all of this, Y/N." Paul says, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"Are you serious? You're doing me more of a favor by letting me do this." I smile.

"God, we're talking like adults now, too."

"Welcome to the Hallmark Channel." I smile at him. "But no, seriously, I've got to go make sure Carlisle and Emmett can carry all of the log-seats to the venue without a hitch."

I give him finger guns as I walk away, moving toward the front of the house.

As I pass the stairs I hear Emily, Alice, and Bella giggling upstairs, and I wish I could go and help them for a moment. And that's when I hear at least five vases crash and I once again rush to the front of the house where Carlisle has just dropped half of a bundle of logs.

"Hey, do you guys need me to call Edward or Rose to help you guys."

"No, it's fine, Y/N." Carlisle says with a small smile. Emmett avoids my eyes.

"You're sure?" I ask, fiddling with my hands.

"Yes, it's all good." He says, picking the logs back up.

"Oh. Okay, yeah." I say, turning before I strat to tear up. Even if I've put this on myself- and no one is yet aware of my plan, it still hurts when they ignore me. It feels like the only people who aren't actually acting any different to me are Paul and Bella.

And that's because one doesn't know and the other has to like me.


"Oh, Bella, you're so beautiful, my love." Renee says, pressing a long kiss to Bella's head.

"Hey, watch her hair!" Alice says, and Renee backs away with a silent 'sorry."

"-But you do look stunning, Bella." Alice adds.

"All thanks to you." Bella says.

"You did a wonderful job, Alice." I compliment her, and she simply nods, smiling.

"Ugh, I can't believe this is all happening so fast. It just.. it fell right into place, you know?" Bella says, sighing happily.

Charlie is in the room now, trying desperately to hold back tears of his own.

"We made her, Charlie." I hear Renee whisper to him.

"I know, I know. And somehow I still can't believe it."


"Oh, wow." Jessica Stanley says from behind me with a sharp chuckle as Bella walks down the isle.

Bella looks at her feet, and then back up at Paul, who I'm pretty sure is about to either melt or explode with nervousness.

I scan the audience as Mr. Weber goes through the whole wedding thing. I hear Angela start to cry behind me.

Seth is with Bree, both of them holding hands and sending glances to eachother. It'll probably be them getting married next.

Or maybe it'll be me.

I feel the blood rush to my cheeks at the thought. My eyes dart around the people.

I could marry Jacob. Or Edward! That would be funny, if I married Edward. I mean, we do bicker a lot. And we dated.

But he did cheat on me.

Bolte and Laurent are here. Yay. A new thing to think about.

"I do."

"I do."

It takes me a moment to clap, because I wasn't quite listening.

"You may now kiss the bride."


"This was a lovely ceremony, Y/N." Esme compliments me, giving me a nice pat on my arm.

"Thank you, Esme." I respond.

"Of course." She smiles, moving out of my way so that I see Bella. Now is the time to tell her.

"Bella, a walk with your favorite cousin?" I ask, grabbing hold of her arm.

"Of course, Y/N." Bella says, starting to walk with me.

"So, uh, don't be upset. But when you and Paul are at Isle Esme.. I'm going to Volerra."

Bella stops walking. "What do you mean."

"When you come back.. I'll still be Y/N. I'll just be.." I cringe. "I'll be vampire Y/N."

"Y/N.. why didn't you tell me this?"

"Your wedding was coming up, and I didn't want to ruin it for you."

"Y/N.. I- you know I'll support you no matter what. But you shouldn't do this."

"I'm sorry, Bella. But.. it's already happening."

"As long as you're sure about this."

"I am. I'm completely sure."

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