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"Where are we going?" My voice was above a whisper as Emmett and Edward got in the silver Volvo with me and Bella.

"James is a tracker. He's not gonna stop until he draws your blood." Edward growled, and the Volvo hummed to life underneath us.

"He's gonna go to your house first, follow the scent."

"Charlie's there!" Bella cried.

"Yes, Charlie will be fine." Edward said again.

"No, your bluffing. Take Bella back, she can get.. whatever will have her scent and tell Charlie goodbye." I offered.

"He's just gonna follow her!" Edward says frustrated as the car starts moving and speeding in the opposite direction.

"No, Edward, turn around. I know what to say to him." Bella said, and though I could see him try to resist, he did.

"I'm gonna go make sure everything goes fine." Emmett says, getting out and running towards the house.

There was silence for a moment before Edward filled it,

"What you did back there was incredibly stupid."

"I know."

"James could've just been after Bella, not both of you."

"Well now we have shared attention, Edward, you'd know something about that."

That left Edward quiet for a few seconds.

"You could die. You and Bella could die."

"Well someone has to protect Bella. If it's me, it's me, Edward. You like her, don't you? That should be your job. Bella could've died right there!"

"You think I don't know that?!" His voice raised and I found myself no longer looking at him.

"Y/N-" He begins, reaching out for me, but I swat his hand away.

"Please don't touch me, Edward." It was still again and neither of us said anything.

"I wish I knew what you were thinking." He said.

"You don't?" I asked, but he had no time to answer because Bella and Emmett came in. Bella was on the verge of tears as she enters but I figured I wouldn't ask to keep her from sobbing.

We rode back in tense silence and pulled up to the Cullen house.

Esme opened the door. Alice and Jasper were sitting on the couch, almost relaxed, and Rosalie was pacing back and fourth.

Once she caught sight of us she stopped.

"Oh, God, took you long enough!" She said and let out an exhausted breath.

"Sorry, Rose, we stopped at Charlie's house." Emmett said and put on his big crooked smile.

"Rosalie, Bella, switch clothes please." Carlisle says as he starts packing things.

"What!? No, I am not wearing her clothes."

"To throw off the scent, Rosalie, please?" Carlsile begged.

"I'll wear Y/N's clothes and Alice can wear Bella's clothes."

"No, Alice and Bella are going to travel together."

"Well make Jasper and Bella travel together then!"

Carlisle sighed, realizing it was no use to make Rosalie do anything and told everyone to update the plans.

Me and Rose switched clothes, me now in a baseball uniform that barely fit me and Rosalie in my clothes. Esme and Bella switched too.

Alice sat us down quickly and told us what was going on.

"Y/N, Emmett and I are taking you to Biloxi, that's where I saw one of my visions. I have already bought tickets. Edward are going to go look for James, see if he can throw him off. Esme and Carlisle are staying here to make sure Laurent doesn't come back with any new news. Jasper and Rosalie are gonna take Bella back to Phoenix."

I nodded, and Rosalie crossed her legs.

"Can I switch with Emmett?"

"Come on, Rosalie!" Emmett whined.

"No. Since you insisted on wearing Y/N's clothes instead of Bella's, you have to go with Bella to throw off the scent." Edward said to her, almost pridefully.

"And even so, we need Emmett to help protect Y/N."

"You think I can't protect her?"

"Rosalie, you're not listening to them." Carlisle said calmly, and you could tell even his patience was running thin.

"We're running out of time, we need to go." Edward said quickly, and everyone rose to go in the garage.

I looked at Bella, and I could see that she was almost completely calm. Jasper and Rosalie stood beside her, Jasper with a blank face and Rosalie, pouting.

Carlisle and Esme came to see us off.

Despite the fact that I shouldn't have, I ran to Bella and engulfed her in a hug. This was probably the last time she was gonna see me, and me her.

She hugged back, though stunned, and I gave her a squeeze.

Without saying any more words, Emmett and Alice brought me into what I assumed to be one of Alice's cars.

Alice drove, Emmett was in the backseat, I was the passenger.

I watched Edward say goodbye to Jasper, Rose, and Bella. He leaned in the car window and told Bella something, she nodded.

Then he came to say goodbye to us.

"Please, please try to stay alive out there."

"I can't make promises." I shrugged and Alice nudged me.

"Yes, you can. We'll take care of her, Edward, believe it or not your not the only one in this family who cares about her." Alice said with a small smile, and before I knew, we were off.

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