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"No, I know what you mean, Jacob. And I think you're insane."

"Is it so bad that I don't want you to throw away your mortality? You're my imprint, Y/N-"

"Don't you dare bring that up right now. It's not your decision. And it wasn't my decision for you to imprint on me, either."

"Just listen to me." Jacob reasons, grabbing my hands. And that's when I notice- we're in Riley's room.

Listen- I don't usually snoop. But a certain leather journal with a golden lock caught my eye.

I storm out on Jacob, waiting for him to leave so I can go back in.

Once he finally does, I rush into Riley's room, closing the door.

Solely based on a feeling, I take the journal into my hands. It falls open, it wasn't properly locked- which I take as a sign.

I flip through the pages until I recognize my name on one of them.

All I have to do is get her to go to them. She can, from there, make any deal she wants- but it won't matter in the end.
I've already contacted the Kings, making them aware of my plan. Which so goes:
I isolate Y/N so that she no longer trusts the Cullen Coven. From there, she will yearn to be turned into a vampire- and will have no where to go but the Volturi.
So, if all goes to plan, she will from there most likely try to bargain with the Volturi Kings. Of course, they will let her, considering any bargain she makes will only be overruled in the future and things will work the way that I plan them to.
And, from there, with Y/N's addition to the Coven, I will also score a spot in the Volturi. Nothing but a win for me.
I haven't yet decided how I will manipulate her, considering her thick skull, but I will accomplish this in time.

I slam the book shut, seeing red so fierce that I would rip Riley's head off if I saw him.

Once I calm myself down, I think of how I will approach this. I could tell Carlisle.

Or, I could fill out his plan all by myself and trick him. And then I'll expose him.

Yes, considering school is over- that sounds overall much more fun.

I lay the leather book back where I found it, leaving Riley's room and putting another pleasant smile on my face.

I should probably go find Bella.


"Are you sure you don't want anyone here with us?" Carlilse asks when we arrive at the airport.

"No, I actually have something to discuss with you." I tell him, shouldering a small duffel bag.

"What is it?"

"I'm not actually going to become a vampire- at least on this trip."

"What do you mean?" Carlilse asks, his eyebrows knitted together.

And so I begin to explain to him why.

"And why did you wait so long to say so?"

"So that they're caught in an even bigger lie."

"I admit this entire thing is mildly selfish, but," Carlisle glances at me with a small smile, "It will be funny."

"That's the spirit!"


"Oh, Y/N, Carlisle, you've arrived." Jane greets us at the gateway.

"Yes, I believe we have." Carlisle says.

"Come inside!"

"Sure." I say, moving in the gate.

"Are you ready?" Jane asks me quietly.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I tell her, swallowing the fact that she lied to me.

She leads me and Carlisle to the throne room which I was previously in.

"Oh, Carlisle, how wonderful to see you!" Aro claps his hands in delight.

"Hello, Aro." Carlilse sends a glance my way, a question on how I will handle this.

"If I may have your attention, please." I clear my throat.

Everyone turns my way, listening.

"Please, speak as you wish." Marcus gestures for me to continue.

"It's come to my attention that you all haven't been completely honest with me." I search the room.

"I know you've been making counter plans with Riley Biers." There is immideate outburst from the Volturi, all of them trying to defend themselves.

"I do not confirm nor deny this, but if it were to be true- why did you hold out on us?" Caius says from his throne.

"I wanted to see how long you all could lie to me. You know, for a very short period of time, I trusted some of you."

"Y/N-" Heidi begins,

"No. I'm not leaving this place a vampire."

"You no longer have dictation over that." Marcus replies, his lips curling into a tiny smile.

"If this is about our deal, it no longer matters, because you broke your side of it first."

"And you will prove this, how? I hope you don't expect us or anyone else to take your word for it, in technical terms." He returns.

"Well-" I feel blood rush to my cheeks in embarrassment. I didn't think this through.

"Exactly." He smiles.

"Do you have it written?" I ask.

"Of course! What imbecile would fail to record something so important?"

"Can you read it off for me?" I ask, really wanting to stall them.

"Here it is, written;

The plan agreed upon is that Y/N L/N will give Carlisle Cullen to us for under a year under the circumstances that she is turned and returned home.

But of course, that is the only section of the document you are looking for." Caius says.

And that's when it clicks.

"It says that I will be turned, but it never specifies who will turn me."


"Document this, Alec." Alec looks to me and nods. "So, technically, Carlisle could turn me. And I would still be fair under the contract because it only says I will be turned, not that a member of the Volturi will turn me." I say.

"Well," Marcus says, embarrassed now.

"So, do you still want to continue with this deal, knowing you will no longer get any credit if I choose Carlisle to turn me? Which- spoiler alert- I will."

There is a moment of silence.

"You are correct, Y/N, Carlisle. We have cheated our responsibilities as the Volturi and been untrue. We have broken our responsibility of the Volturi and our end of the bargain. You are both.. excused."

𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙪𝙣 || twilight x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin