The Return

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"Y/N, wake up, please wake up." My eyes shoot open and I cough violently. My look lungs feel raw and beaten as I gasp, desperate for air. I'm vaguely aware of the cold, and the fact that I'm drenched in water.

"Are you crazy?" Leah asks once I finally get enough oxygen in my body to form coherent thoughts.

"Probably, yes." I respond with a weak smile.

"Hey, at least we know it's Y/N." Quill says, which earns a slap from Jacob.

"Where's Bella?" I ask, trying to look around and reach for her.

"I'm right here." Bella says, reaching for my hand. We're still on the beach, in the sand.

"We should get home." I know I look rough by the way I sound, but I would like to get home in time for dinner.

"Charlie's at his friend's funeral today, remember?" Bella asks, and I do.

"Cool. Maybe we can get takeout from Port Angeles?" I ask her.

"Y/N, you almost just drowned, I don't think you should be worrying about dinner right now." Paul tells me.

"Oh my god!" I say, my hand rushing to my hair. "Is the dye messed up? What color is it?" I ask, trying to see if any dye is coming off of my wet hair.

"It's still blue, Y/N, relax. Do you think you have a concussion?" Bella asks, and I shake my head.

"Maybe she's in shock?" Seth offers.

"You guys seem to forget that I was kidnapped and starved in a foreign country." I tell them with a playful smile, trying to get to my feet. "I've faced worse than a few minutes without air."

"Okay, fine." Leah replies hesitantly. We say our goodbyes, promising to call later, and Jacob brings us back to Forks in the span of a few minutes.

"Thanks, Jake." I tell him, petting his ear one last time before entering the house.

Immideatly, there is a smashing noise, and I make a grab for my pocket knife in my back pocket. Except, I no longer have the pocket knife considering just a few minutes ago I was being tossed by waves.

"Stay here." I tell Bella, grabbing keys off of the nearby table if need be. I hold the keys by me, walking slowly to the kitchen where the sound had come from.

I turn the corner, stepping on a broken plate. Alice, who immideatly gets to her feet, looks at me with a tortured look in her eyes. The door behind me closes, meaning Bella must have left the house.

"You're alive." She says, taking a step toward me, to which I take a step back.

"No, no, no. Why are you here? Don't you dare let Bella see you!" I hear the door open and close again, and I can feel Jacob's footsteps inside the house.

"Who is there?" Jacob yells. Bella must have gotten him.

"It was just the wind, it's fine." I call back, trying to disguise the pure anger in my voice.

Get out I mouth to Alice, but she doesn't move. Unfortunately, I cannot keep Bella and Jacob from coming and evaluating the damage.

"Alice?" Bella asks, rushing to her to give her a hug.

"I'm so glad you two are alive." She says.

"We were dead?" Bella asks.

"Well, I saw you two jump off the cliff and I.. I thought.." She struggles. I back into Jacob, who puts a hand on my arm.

"I like your hair, Y/N." Alice says, making my skin crawl. This hair is not for her. It is not for any of them. They hurt me, and they hurt Bella.

"Are you coming back?" Bella asks, hope filling her voice.

"Bella.. I..." Alice says, clearly waiting to tell us some news.

"Are you seriously going to forgive them?" I ask Bella, my words quick and hot.

"What?" Bella asks, turning to me.

"You were a vegetable for months, Bella! It was only a few weeks ago with Charlie had to threaten you that you finally started to act normal again. And now, just because they're present again, you're going to, I don't know, just let them ruin you again? They left once already, do you really think it won't happen again?"

Bella walks right up to me and slaps me. Such intense anger courses through me that it takes everything not to rip her hair out of her head.

"Bella, do you know who had to explain to our friends why you no longer wanted to sit with them?" I ask. "Do you know who had to distract Charlie because his only daughter was losing herself? Do you know who had to suffer the consequences of your actions? Do you know how many times I had to hold my tounge because I knew you were grieving? Do you know how many times I had to defend you? To Charlie, to Jessica, to Jacob, to everyone!" The words don't mean much, probably not to her, but they do to me.

"Let's go, Jacob. I don't want to be here anymore." Just as I say it, the phone beside me and Jacob rings. Without hesitating, Jacob answers it.

"Swan residence." I hear Jacob on one side of the phone.
"Oh, it's you."
"No, he's at the funeral."
"Mhm, yeah. Okay." At this he puts the phone down. Alice's eyes are as wide as saucers.

"Who was that?" Bella asks.

"It was that doctor guy, Carlisle. He was calling to talk to Charlie." Jacob says nonchalantly.

"Jacob, that wasn't Carlisle. That was Edward." Alice says, her voice trembling.

"Okay?" Jacob says, not getting what she's saying.

"He thinks they're dead. You just told him Charlie was at the funeral. Is it clicking?" It might not be for him, but it is for me.

"Oh my god." I say, covering my mouth.

"He's probably in Volterra right now. We don't have much time." Despite myself, I go to grab Alice's keys.

"I'll call you, okay, Jake?" I check with him. Maybe I'm angry at the Cullens, but I don't want them dead. Jacob nods, and without warning, I rush past him. I toss Alice back her keys, and she grabs them immediately and starts her car.

I cannot believe I'm going back. I can't believe I'm trying to save Edward.

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