Chapter 26

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Jackson POV~

I felt y/n slump in my arms giving me the sign she had calmed her self. I reached and brought her out of my chest by her shoulders. Holding her steady whilst waiting for her gaze to lift and meet my own.

"n/n-ie.." I called

This time she shifted slightly as she hung her head more. I could tell she was trying to seek that comfort in my arms once again. To hide her self.

I raised my left hand from her shoulder to raise her head myself as I settled my palm onto her very cold cheek. "y-you're freezing" I half stuttered out in shock with how icy she actually felt.

She still didn't speak a word even as I released my hold on her to remove the jacket I had grabbed on the way out. Slinging it over her form I watched as she unconsciously gripped at the fabric and pull it more around her front.

I sighed both mentally and physically seeing her  act such a way.

"Let's take you home.. You can talk tomorrow. Its too cold to stay out here any longer"

She didn't make any sign of movement and I felt my heart sink at how detached her eyes were. It was like she had gone off into her own world and who knows if she had realised my arrival.

I scooped her up into my arms making sure the jacket covered as much of her as possible.


I stumbled through the door way alerting the seven boys who had begun to decend from upstairs. I kept a tight grip on y/n who had fallen asleep and tucked her head back into my chest as we had walked hiding her rose coloured cheeks.

I sent an unknowing glare to the boys who falted in their steps upon seeing y/n so quiet in my arms. Not wanting to deal with them or listen I pushed past the few blocking the walk way and took both myself and y/n to her room.

I stared at her furrowed eyebrows even as she slept so peacefully completely unaware of the talk about to take place once I leave the room.

With one last glance I closed her bedroom door and made my way down to the Bangtan boys who sat nervously at the edges of the sofa cushions.

"wanna explain?" I announced with a tone of anger in each word.

I walked over to the single seat that had very obviously been added to the mix of sofas to fit the eight bodies of the guesthouse.

"I-I don't know what to say.." I hear a voice whisper out belonging to yoongi.

I sigh out.

"why did you think acting out like that was fine? I see the way you guys follow y/n with that look in your eyes. Why not just come straight out with it instead of giving her head a roller-coaster ride every time you all wanna act like over protective boyfriends?!" i straightened my posture in my seat.

" what makes you think you guys have the right to kick off about her best friend staying in the same room as her when you guys don't know half of it??" I sunk back into the chair gripping at my forehead waiting for one of them to finally talk.

"we like her.. Very much, but how can we know how she feels even more so when at this point all we have done is make her consider us friends.. How do we know she won't reject us or better yet be grossed out.. By the thought of seven of us I mean shes even allowing a guy to stay in.. Her room" his voice trailed off and I could feel the anger build up inside of me as I snapped my gaze up to stare down at the one and only Kim namjoon before trailing my eyes over to the door way and back to the centre of the room.

"you guys really don't know her do you.." I chuckled to myself

"y/n is practic- no. Y/n IS family to me and what makes you think every guy in her life, besides you all, is there with that kind of approach. Sure I don't know exactly how she is with you guys but what I DO know is.." I stand from my chair once again but this time walking over to the doorway.

Reaching out to grab something behind the wall I continued.

"You can get rid of that terrible mindset of yours and finally grow some balls and talk to her yourselves" with all strength left in me I pull out the girl who had hidden herself behind the wall holding her startled form out and gently pushing her towards where the boys now sat, their mouths all dropping to the floor.

"y-y/n..?" Seokjin stuttered out as he almost falls from his seat to run over to her.

I feel her try and break free. She wanted to run from them but there was no way I was going to let this go on much longer.

Seokjin stops in front of her and the others follow suit, their jaws still wide open.

"s-sorry.. I d-didn't mean t-to earsdrop" I could see tears begin to build up and flow down the similar tear streaks on her cheeks While her hands began to roll up inside the oversized hoodie cladding and burying her shaking body.

"n-no no y/n-ah.its okay" his hands cupped her cheeks as his thumbs swipe the few tears.

A second set of arms pull her from my hold and into his chest. I look down and blink for a second at how fast she had disappeared from the spot and into another's chest.

"I- I am so so sorry. I shouldn't of shouted or got angry and I'm sorry p-please dont hate the others even if you don't forgive me" yoongi wound his arms more around her shoulders tucking her up more as I notice the light reflecting and highlighting the tears flowing down his own and y/ns faces.

I look around the room at the others noting how they all seemed to lean towards the two forming a small circle. Hands rubbing comforting circles on another back.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had held in as I took myself out of the room knowing my presence had long since been forgotten.

I send a soft look over to the only set of eyes that followed my own.



And I am sorry to spring things on you all like this 😭

And what do ya know we got our JACKSON WANG FROM CHINA POV to deliver this to you~

I'm actually stuck now because I've tried writing the next chapter but I'm stuck for which pov to do after a lil y/n

So if yall want a pov we have thad just drop in in the comments and I will do the most said 💜


See you all next chapter!! Stay safe!!!!

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