Chapter 3

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A week had passed each night had been the same as the first two but it was nice, I noticed small things about the boys.
The way they had retreated and gave me space as though they was building trust carefully, yet sweet.

I had also began to notice more about them as individuals, not only did I now know all of their names but I could recognise each of them by voice.

I remember them saying they was an idol group so a night of research was how I found out they was actually all lovers, a polyamorous relationship, I found it cute and I began picking up on the secretive but loving touches between them as though it was another way of talking.

I had spoke to each of them at least once even the silver haired man that seemed so content on killing me the second day. He now felt indifferent to the others also carrying that same caring look in his eyes when he looked at any of them.

This morning when I woke up the 2 cars and the seven of them was gone, Seokjin had left a note on the counter saying they was going out for the day and I took this as my opportunity to venture out into the house for the day after a week of avoiding such places until after midnight.

Making myself comfy on the sofa I pick up my ipad and begin watching a kdrama I had recently started. Not far into the 2nd episode I let myself slip into the sleep that was taking over my body forgetting my worries and laying peacefully across the 2 piece sofa.

Its the sound of the TV that startles me awake. I sit up my eyes frantically scan my surroundings

'the boys were here'

I see 3 out of the 7 laid asleep on the floor while another 2 sat comfortably in the sofa chair.
The final 2 sat to my left also startled by my sudden movement.

Its at this point I struggle to find the words to say, gripping the blanket that had been placed over my sleeping figure trying to fight and make my body move to get up.
Seokjin the one sat closet to me is the first to speak "sorry y/n we didn't mean to wake you" I shake my head still trying to find my words.

'What the hell is wrong with me'

I feel the weight of another sit on my right I swing my head to come face to face with namjoon

"y/n you should calm down, take deep breaths then try to talk okay" his smile is sincere and I comply. Breathing in and out and relaxing back into the sofa a little more.

"s-sorry I just-" I'm cut off by Seokjin who had placed his hand on my own tracing circles with his thumb.

'it was calming I felt calm'

"please stay and watch this film with us the others are asleep and it would be boring to watch alone" namjoon was just as straight forward as I expected but soon enough I nodded leaning back into the sofa, namjoon to my right and Seokjin to my left, his hand still on my own.

Not long after I began to feel the drowsiness from before take over my body once again, I let my head fall to the side hitting the shoulder of another and I look around at the others surrounding.

Jungkook, jimin and tae were all bundled up together on the floor while yoongi and Hobi were practically knotted together on the chair

"so cute" the words left my mouth not remaining in my mind and I sat up covering my mouth with my hands.

'shit shit shit did I say that out loud'

I look to either side of me and my eyes finishing on a Seokjin barely stiffling a laugh "do you really think that?" his voice was soft but happy

'why was he happy'

I smile in his direction trying to escape answering the question. I keep my eyes on him as he looks at me, I could tell he had so much to ask and I let out a sigh
'what's the point in hiding it when I'm obvious enough for them to find out themselves'

"I- I struggle with anxiety.. Better yet social anxiety and I-it's really bad" I pause waiting for him to comment but he just continues to look into my eyes giving me his full attention.

I take this as my signal to carry on "the only person I had in my life was my mum.. she raised me here alone and homeschooled me herself.... this also meant I never got the chance to make friends. the few guests we had I never interacted with until 2 years ago when my mum passed I couldn't let this place go so I took over.. even now only saying a few words to the few guests that come and go.. I get nervous and scared and-"

I feel a tear roll down my face.

Embarrassed I pull my hand from Seokjin and continuously wipe my face as one after another wet streak formed on my cheeks

"I-I'm sorry I-I should go g-goodnight" I stand pushing past Namjoons startled figure but I am soon stopped in my tracks when I tight grip forms around my wrist.

Before I could react I am pulled into the chest of Seokjin, his hands tightly wrapped around my body. My breathing hitches and sniffle back the tears my breathing slowly returning to normal.

How long did we stand like that..

His body towering over my own atleast 2 heads higher, his grip still firm around me but not suffocating, his scent was calming and the soft vibrations from his chest whenever he whispered the words 'its okay' 'I'm here' 'your not alone' 'just breathe'

I felt calm.
I felt safe.
I felt myself returning to a state of stableness. Forgetting he was once a stranger.

Exhaling a breath I let myself fall more into the embrace, the warmth I longed for for so long right here.
My head becoming more rested on his chest and my arms coming around to grip tightly to the shirt on his back to make sure he couldn't leave.

I never noticed the 6 others who had awoken from their slumber grinning up to the sight of their lover holding another in his arms.
I never saw their happiness at the thought of me now in their presence for longer than a minute. I never saw or heard the thoughts going through their heads.

At some point I had let my body fall weak, half asleep.
I feel myself being carried up to my room, hearing not just one but seven voices making sure my body was safe,tucking the millions of pillows to support my figure making sure I could sleep in comfort.

with the last bit of consciousness I had I manage to let out words I had been dying to speak for years

"can.. I join you for breakfast tomorrow?"

I could barely open my eyes but knew I was welcomed into their family like space even for that short amount of time they shared when I heard 7 separate voices answer 'of course'

It was all I needed to be able to give in to the last call for sleep.


Woahhhhjjskdjfj I may not be good at writing or have a wide vocabulary but I'd read this if I saw it 😏

I said it would be random updates as I'm literally writing whatever I think of and then creating it into the story

I actually wrote this at midnight last night it just came to me and I couldn't not write it out 😅


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