Chapter 6

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Y/n POV~

I feel the cushion of the sofa sink down as Seokjin sat beside me I was still reluctant to allow someone else to clean up but before I could protest once again Seokjin speaks up "we all want to know if you want to join us properly for a movie night including some games together"

By this point the others had made their way into the room and once again I find myself arguing in my mind.

One side being the Introverted me wanting to run up to my room and the other part wanting to spend time with these boys who have all kept me on my toes the past week and half that they have been here.

I look over to Seokjin catching his pleading eyes as I avert my own letting them fall over to where jungkook and jimin were choosing a game to play. I exhale out loud my breath being a little shaky and meet Seokjin gaze again.

"I-if it's okay with you all.." I manage to stammer out.

Only seconds later I feel the seven sets of eyes on my figure each gleaming, emitting an aura of joy. I shiver under their gaze but taehyung who was approaching to sit the other side of me sees and takes it as I'm cold, startling me as he throws a fluffy blanket over my form letting it fall delicately over himself who had now seated himself to my right the other end of the fleece of cotton covering Seokjins body to my left. Myself being trapped in the middle.

Thinking it would be more embarrassing to say why I shivered instead sitting back into the comfort and warmth.

We watch jungkook, jimin and hoseok play a round of Mario cart while Seokjin and namjoon talked over to each other and taehyung bombarding me with questions such as my favourite colour and food.
Not long after the 3 had played their 4th round namjoon rised from his cuddled position with yoongi to play the movie they had picked out.

The movie being the anime film 'wolf children' which calmed me more knowing we shared interests.

I could feel the sleep of the night creeping over me and I shuffled in my spot to find a comfier position, slightly leaning my body towards taehyung who had long since fell asleep his head every so often rolling on the back of the sofa clearly uncomfortable.

I decide on impulse to slightly direct his falling weight onto my own shoulder to let the boy sleep better hoping it would help and not put more strain on his neck.

I manage to stay awake a little longer listening to the soft snores of the others before I myself fall under the spell of sleep my own head falling to rest on taehyung's who still laid soundly asleep on my shoulder.

Part way through the night I am woken by the sudden shift of weight on my lap. Still half asleep I see Seokjin had turned his body to face my stomach as his head laid on my lap while his much bigger body curled up on the other half of the sofa.

I used the little strength I had and the little amount of freedom to move to pick up the fallen blanket that had covered all 3 of us previously and threw it over his sleeping form before I once again fall victim to the sleep, letting my eyelids shut for much longer this time.

The sun shone through the open blinds and the birds I had grown to hate, wide awake and singing to their hearts content. I shuffle in my spot burrowing my head into what had come to be my pillow still keeping my eyes shut tight.

I hear a moan from above me, the sound of someone rising from their slumber I don't question the situation in which I was in feeling surrounded by warmth and comfort instead covering my face more in what seemed to be the t-shirt of the man I was using as my pillow.

I startle awake at this newfound feeling and texture turning to come face to face with a blushing taehyung who I had come to lay on. my eyes then seeing the oldest of the group who's grip had tightened around my waist In which he was hugging.

I take in the features of our sleeping position Seokjin had come to hug my frame in the night his face buried just below my chest while my own leg had come to wrap around his own figure. My pillow who was still blushing, staring down at my wide eyes clearly both of us shocked.

I watch as taehyung's lip curves up into a smile which then becomes an outburst of shushed giggles pointing every so often at his still sleeping hyungs pose.
I can't help but follow his act also letting the smallest of laughs leave my throat.

We both stay in our spots trying to calm our laughter we had shared between us both, at some point he had pulled out his phone to take a quick snapshot of his Hyung which he would later use as some form of blackmail.

The others had begun to stir and I watch as taehyung presses his lips together before he stood clutching his hoodie to his stomach as he tip-toed out of the room probably needing the toilet after being held down by me. I smile apologetically making sure to apologise later.

At this point I had managed to spin myself to sit straight and face the muffled groans with Seokjins head now on my lap and his hold still wrapped around my waist.

Jungkook and hoseok were the first to sit up and jimin still followed all 3 snapping their heads in our and taehyung's directions looking at their eldest Hyung sleeping so soundly all raising quitely as namjoon and yoongi still laid fast asleep.

Following in taehyung's steps each one of them take a picture. Videoing as Seokjin shuffles, his face burrowing more into my stomach a butterfly filled feeling travelling throughout my body and a soft rosy tint printed across my face.

I exhale and take this as my chance to wake the sleeping beauty my embarrassed appearance becoming a little too obvious.

"seokjin-ssi it's morning you should wake up" my voice partially raspy but still painted with a soft tone, he stirs and his eyes flutter open taking a few minutes to adjust to the daylight filtering through  the room.

"y/n-ah?.." was all he could manage to say before his head turned taking in the situation a dark red covered the man's face.


Its 2:10am and I'm wide awake I genuinely think I'm going to end up writing the next chapter because my head is going wild with ideas and scenarios

I think this is enough updates for today though and I never thought I'd say this but I've had enough of holding my phone 😂😂

Have a good day/ night everyone and thank you for reading 💜🌹

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