Chapter 37

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Y/n POV~

Who knew rock, paper, scissors could turn so competitive. You laid on your side watching as taehyung and yoongi prepared themselves for the 'finally battle'. Hiding your laughter each time one of the previous competitors lost and now with your hand over your mouth you watched as both boys rolled back their shoulders and sent equal glares at the other.

"I guess it's just you and me" taehyung sang out, faking a posh accent.

Yoongi grinned at the boy cracking his knuckles.

'so competitive' but you shook your head with a smile at the thought.

The others stood around as namjoon played the umpire of the game "three! Two! One! Rock! Paper!..."

And in chorus all seven shouted "scissors!!!"

At this point sleep was long forgotten even as you rolled around in laughter. A slight ping of guilt shook your heart as taehyungs eyes met your own.

"maybe next time taetae" you whispered as the crowd dispersed around the floor. Hoseok and kookie having had their own war for the small sofa.

Hoseok having won.

Yoongi crept round to the opposite side of the bed slowly shuffling into the covers in the darkness.

"goodnight and sleep well everyone" you muttered out. Thankful to the minimal lighting hiding your blush. Yoongi tucked himself beside you as you felt his warmth travel throughout the cover.

"goodnight" the others whispered out one after the other.

As you found yourself slowly drifting under the spell of sleep a hand found your own. You knew it was yoongi and you turned to your side to face said boy with a soft smile on your face feeling the bare moonlight highlighting your face.

The covers moved in sync as his other arm pulled you closer soon feeling his breath brush against the tops of your cheeks. You snuggled into his chest unconsciously gripping at his shirt to keep him there. "goodnight" you heard him mutter as he lent down to place a kiss on your lips.

Your eyes fluttered closed at the feeling, enjoying the pure bliss of chills the simple peck had given you and as he pulled away and tightened you in his embrace.

Sleep soon overcame your senses and the next time you would wake would be as the sun rose in the sky with your loves by your side.


It must have been early hours when you felt the bed dip beside you, the blankets being pulled back over your form and arms wrapping around your body.

You turned to the warmth, tucking your head into the shoulder of the suspected person not bothering to question this dream like daze as slumber took over once again.


Yoongi POV~

I frowned at the daylight that managed to sneak through my eyelids as I laid flat on my back, waking up to a state of consciousness. My gaze travels down to where y/n still slept peacefully, soft breaths grazing my hand that caught hers at the base of my chest.

I feel myself blush as I continue to steady my pounding heart at the sight only to startle momentarily when I see an arm reach out from under the cover and over y/n.

I glance at the person recognising them straight away. Letting out a sigh.

Taehyung stilled his body once he found himself practically spooning the girl between us. A rush of worry floods my brain as I try to process how y/n could possibly react. I was scared his actions would render our growing progress in our relationship together and I don't think I could handle this being the last I would ever get to share a bed with her.

"t-taehyung?" I questioned. No reply of course. The boy didn't move another inch as he laid with his nose to the back of y/ns neck and body shaped around her own.

If anything I was worried the boy wouldn't let go of her even if she woke. And I spoke too soon.

She let out a quiet grumble as she squeezed her eyes tighter shut. I froze.

'Do I pretend to be asleep??'

Another protest broke the silence from the floor and I tried to peer over without lifting too much.

"jimin? Joon? Jin-Hyung? " I asked clearly to no one in particular as not even a peek was heard back for a good minute until a strained "hmm" rumbled out.

I sat and listened as blankets rustled and a bedhead jimin popped up from the base of the bed. "morning beautiful" I smirked, hinting to his hair.

He growled back a 'good morning' before standing and looking over to y/n. His eyes widening upon the sight of taehyung.

"hey that's not fair!" he cried out only a bit too loudly. Y/n squeezed her eyes before blinking them open. I stayed flat to the mattress as jimin met her gaze with a guilty look.

"s-sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he puppy eyed the girl only to get a smile back.

"good morning jiminie"

She barely spared a glance to each of her sides as she opened her arms. Jimin who clearly felt no remorse, climbed onto the bed and into a tight embrace with a very obviously still asleep y/n.

Yet I couldn't help but enjoy the moment with a gentle smile.



I'm sorry for the bad updates 😣🙏🏻

I will try and get another chapter wrote out as soon as to make up for the crappy ass writer I'm being 😭💜

Stay safe and warm everyone

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