Chapter 25

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You stormed through the hallway and out of the door. The air inside your once homely guesthouse had become something so suffocating within those few minutes.

You turned corner after corner rushing to god knows where.

'breathe' You told yourself over and over.

After what only seemed like seconds since you had raced away from the house, your feet finally slowed and your eyesight which had become a blur had started to clear giving you the vision of a local park.

You stopped your movement after letting your eyes dart place to place you spot a bench just metres away.  You  knew Jackson had followed you out despite the fact you had pushed past not only him but the other boys it was only a matter of time before his motherly nature would have him screaming left right and centre wanting to know the ins and out of what exactly had happened and why not a cell in your body had thought to grab a jacket on the way out.

Tucking your legs up to meet your chest you looked in the direction you had come from.

Part of you wanted them to find you. To talk. But another part convinced you to make your self smaller to which you complied. To hide yourself from the confrontation which could possibly replay.

The scene went over and over each time you ducked your head out of sight to nestle between your arms and knees.

Why had you got so worked up..

You knew from experience how protective Jackson was as a friend. He had always been your only friend yet why didnt you like the idea that yoongis and everyone else's protective mindset was just as friends.
They thought the same but it was different.

Jacksons question from earlier in the day come to mind and you exhale a sigh as you recall each sentence Spoke between you both.

'do you like them as just friends or.. more?'

Can you see them as something more? Did they mean more than just friends to you or was that just how you always felt with friends but then why did them classing you as friends hurt.

That sting you felt when you said so yourself 'the only title we all share is friends'

It hurt.

Yet why is it when you hear footsteps in the distance your heart jumps with hope for it to be one of the bts boys and why is it when you finally have the courage to look up and meet the eyes of that person towering over your form, the person casting a shadow as he blocks you from the street light that had illuminated you before does your heart sink. When your gaze only lands on your childhood friends face and not who your heart had called out for.

The regret filled your brain as tears begin to well up more.

Of course they wouldn't of looked for you why when Instead they were most likely regretting the moment you was welcomed like family into their warmth, most likely comforting the lover of theirs in which you had clearly hurt with your own selfish thoughts.

Did you feel ungrateful and selfish to have accepted those welcoming arms and still had the guts to wish for more or was it something else..

A hand sweeps over your cheek collecting the droplets in which had escaped in their own cry of regret and hurt.

"n/n-ie.." Jackson trails out. You couldn't look up.

He brung his arms around your shrunken figure tucking your head to his chest as he takes a seat beside you, allowing you chance to calm your breathing.

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