Chapter 10

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All in all it had been a great day out and I was glad the boys had asked me to go with them.

The car ride home was somewhat awkwardly quiet but as soon as we got back Seokjin who had been in the other car greated us all with takeaway.

I joined them for dinner and then went back to my room for the day to get some work done before falling asleep.

Hoseok POV~

"Hyung can we talk?" I look over my shoulder to see taehyung at the door way.

After we had ate dinner we all went to do our own thing so I decided to go lay in my room.

"sure" I stand and follow him out as he walked towards the living room. Everyone was sat around and the air was tense

'just what happened that required a family meeting..'

"so I think it's time we all talked" yoongi announced as he sat up. I took a seat beside namjoon and continued to listen.

Namjoon decided to speak up this time taking control as our leader

"I know some of you have been getting feelings. And I want us to take this chance to say what we think and hear each other out so we can come to some sort of conclusion"

"hold up I'm confused. New feelings??" I shouted out.
'I genuinely didn't have a clue why we was having this family meeting'

Yoongi sighed from the other side of the room "put your hand up if you don't know what this is about"

Me, jimin and jungkook all raised our hands.

I look over to the others specifically taehyung who seems to have a lot to say but was keeping quiet.

"so what is this about" jimin asked as he lowered his raised arm.

"let's get straight to the point. Who here thinks they like y/n in a way besides friendship? No excuses. Hands up now" I could see yoongi getting irritated his stern voice caused even Jin Hyung to jump a little in his seat but to my surprise his arm slowly raised. I stare shocked at Jin Hyung hung his head as his arm straightened out, I look around and see taehyung and namjoon also steadily raise their arms and then back to yoongi who stunned me most as his hand went up above his head.

'just what the fuck are they talking about'

Still keeping my gaze on the four in question I feel the anger inside myself rise

"so you mean to tell me you all catching feelings for a girl you barely know?! That's ridiculous" I chuckle lowely at my words sending glares around the room "is she doing something we aren't?!" I was going to regret my words if I carried on.

I could feel the fire inside myself.

How could they fall for a girl.. A girl who they've barely held a conversation with.

"this is a joke right??!! TELL ME-"

"Hyung calm down!" jimin had wrapped himself around one of my arms.

I never even saw him cross the room nevermind hold onto me.

I pull myself from his grip and walk out of the room knowing if I didn't leave now things would turn upside down.

'How could they do this? I didn't hate y/n but I could never see her as someone like that to us how could THEY see her like that.

No way was I going to let some stupid crush ruin our perfectly fine relationship'

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