Chapter 13

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Yoongi POV~

I wonder how long we had actually sat like that before I heard what I least expected.

Hoseok was sniffling in my arms clearly holding back the urge to return and cover what little space between us was left. What could I do to make things better a part of me was scared to speak, scared I would say the wrong thing and he would want to be as far away as possible from myself.

I just said exactly what I had been wanting to say, what I want to remind him each second of each day. I truly love him I love all of my lovers my soulmates because without them I wouldn't be here today.

How could I even think for a second that someone besides them could creep into my heart. Its just a small crush, no its different. its just that one moment when the light hit different. Right?.when my words were wrong

"hoseok ah?"


"tomorrow.. Let's all talk... Properly "


"we should go to bed"


Third POV~

"I should have worded it better the other night.." yoongi muttered towards the group of boys surrounding the sofas and chairs of the living room.

Hoseok looked up to meet his eyes as he spoke again "what we feel for y/n is different, the only people we share our love for is us.. All of us" the air was still tense but the honesty of their much awaited talk was bringing the harsh feelings down and understanding back.

All seven of the boys had needed this, of course the co-subject of the conversation was not present. Y/n had stepped out giving them all the chance to talk.

"We want her closer but not like that more like a sister or a friend" namjoon adds, his eyes scanning the many in the room for confirmation and understanding.

"to add her into our family as something like a sister. I don't think the like we feel for her is the same as between us.. It feels different" he finishes. Jimin flashes the older man a smile and taehyung who had not left his side followed in the action.

"she still feels awkward you can see it in her face..." jimin spoke as though he was thinking out loud as his voice snuck to a much more quieter tone.

'Its like how jinhyung already cares for her like she is part of our family, she joins us for meals, days out, spends time around us. But we never invited her once to step over that boundary to being friends.. Closer.. Like a younger sister'

the thoughts of all seven mashed together as they sat in silence.

"That's.. That's what we want.. what we feel we don't love her.. because the only love we hold is for each other" the breaking of the silence by the voice belonging to taehyung.

He wasn't wrong. By now all of them had each thought of the chance to build a friendship with the girl.

"Can't you understand how we feel-"

"we understand" hoseok cut yoongi off while glancing at the maknae and jimin to assure he was speaking for all of them.

They understood. Better yet they thought the same.


"a-are you all okay.. I-I bought food.. But you look.. Busy?"

Seven heads face to the doorway where y/n stood. After spending the majority of the afternoon talking, the time had flown past to the point the boys had forgotten about their earlier worries even going as far as to forget where they were.

Yoongi and hoseok were back in each others arms while Seokjin and namjoon had take to snuggling with the two youngest and jimin who had found a comfy spot on.. Of course.. Namjoons lap.

The latter being in the direct line of sight of the young girl occupying the doorway, stunned at what she had walked into but by no surprise wasn't as fazed as she thought. Instead she walked straight past making her way to the coffee table in the middle of the room and placing the 2 bags of food down before retreating back to her room. No words were spoken.

'awkward' was the thoughts of all eight in the house.

"do you think she ate as well?" jimin asked looking over to the bags of food.

"should we ask" jungkook whispered from beside Jin the older looking back over to the bags "if she bough food she must have ate" jin replied.

Y/n on the otherhand had reached her safe hold of her room slouching down behind the door face red as she fanned herself with her hands 'I guess they aren't shy about their relationship no more' chuckling at her thoughts. After a few minutes of reconstructing her current mindset and fanning her face back to a natural hue of pink, she raised herself from the floor and proceeded over to where the mini fridge stood in her room.

Doing nothing different from her usual routine y/n hung herself over the Mount of paper work stacking her desk for a little over 3 hours before feeling the hunger of the evening seep over

'had the boys ate dinner yet or left her some leftovers'  she didn't need confirmation as she left to scavenge for food.

Smiling at the lunchbox of neatly packed food left for her. She knew straight away who it was from before even picking up the note.

'thank you for bringing us the food! You picked our favourites so I made yours. Enjoy <3 -Jin'

She blushed slightly at the heart and first basis name. It was the first time.

Humming to the song she had listened to with hoseok while walking back to her room, a bounce in each step while happily bringing back the memories of when she first heard it. A whole new playlist of music awaited her.


I'm going to cry 😭😭🎉

we hit 1k views I'm so happy thank you all for reading this I'm sorry this chapter might of been boring I had writers block while also having to deal with college 😔
I'm not one for drama as you can tell 😅

Thank you ahhhksfjfj Borahae army 💜😭🎉

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