Chapter 12

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"w-what do you think of the guys.. I mean us seven.. As.. I dunno people?" he keeps his eyes fixed on my face barely faltering at his own words while I sit my mouth forming a questional 'huh' sort of shape.

"w-what do you mean?" I genuinely question after a minute of silence as the question spun in my head.

'did he mean as idols? As a group? Did they want fashion advice or coupling outfit ideas? I mean I guess I am starting to consider them as potential friends but we're barely at a first name basis should I say that?'

I felt like I was going insane just trying to think of a reply to the point I hadnt even realised he had been waiting for my attention to be full focused on him. I look away from the spot on the wall I had intensely zoned out at and back to a very confused and worried jimin.

"so.. What do you think of us?" he spoke out holding the eye contact, in a way to signal I still had no freaking clue what he meant I tilt my head to the side letting a little 'huh' complete my questioning state.

He let's out a long sigh.

'I kinda feel bad for being so stupid'

" do you like us as friends?" he finally asks after what seemed to be the 10th time an awkward silenced air settled throughout the space.

My heart jumps a little and a sparkle of happiness fills my eyes "a-are we friends?! Can we be f-friends?! All of us?!" I shout in question but more like a statement.

'my first friends' I can't help the bounce in my step as I stand up from the bed and turn to jimin my hands fisted up like my own miniature way of cheering.

Clearly from the noise I had emitted the sound of rustling sheets comes from behind a still seated jimin. We both turn in the direction and watch jungkook rise up his eyes resting on my standing self. 'he looks upset..'

"s-sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I blurt out bowing deeply as a sign I was truly regretful.

"no its fine... it's mid day" he replies setting his phone back down on the bedside table.

I give him my most guilt filled smile as I pass him the now cold meal "breakfast and lunch? " he asks looking into the bag, jimin nodds.

"what were you talking about?" jungkook asks with his mouth now full of food "I asked what she thinks of us" jimin shrugged out while turning to face me "we are friends" he finally finished off.

"so.. Is it okay for me to be friends with you all?" I drag my sentence scared that I had heard wrong but instead both jimin and jungkook who looked a little confused, replied with a 'yes'

I continue to smile as we all sit and eat the food still in jimins room, jungkook had fully woken up talking about the games he wanted to play even going as far as to imitate certain actions using jimin as a punch bag in the process of one while I sat and laughed at a very unfond jimin.

Being able to sit and laugh with these once strangers felt amazing and in all honesty I couldn't stop the genuine happiness and joy I was emitting in every movement I made.


Fist pumping the air, I grin to myself as I walk back out into the living room where the others were.

For the first time since knowing these boys hoseok and yoongi weren't sat knotted together instead hoseok sat at the far end of the sofa.

I was guessing they was like this after last night but it still confused me how they both decided to come with me to the cafe. I make my way over to the sofas and sit in the available space next to hoseok I don't miss the strange glare he sends me but I shrug it off and tune in to the minor conversations the others were having.

The day didn't feel as fast as it went as the next time I looked over to the window the sun was starting to set.
Jungkook and jimin had both joined us in the living room the air had tensed as they joined but soon settled once the few glares had been passed around the room. of course I noticed how when I stepped out for a few minutes and returned the tension had eased and taehyung had moved over to almost smoother jimin.

Hoseok had remained quiet the whole time even going as far to attempt to leave before being stared down by a very anxious Seokjin.

It was around 11pm when the boys had started to pack up and move to their rooms for the night. Jimin, taehyung and jungkook were the first to leave soon followed by namjoon leaving myself, yoongi, Seokjin and hoseok to laze around the couches before Seokjin decided to go.

To my surprise the person who wanted to leave so much before remained seated while yoongi kept his eyes trailing back over to him.

I felt like I was intruding on something and it was clear that although I was there none of the two would so much as glance my direction, instead they begun an intense starting match 'were they talking through their eyes'

I take that as my chance to leave and I race past yoongi direct line of sight to avoid disturbing whatever the hell they was doing.

Yoongi POV~

The moment y/n leaves the room I take this as my chance to race over and grab hold of hoseok, there was no way I was going to let him leave. Instead I kept my hold on him sitting myself beside him and using what little confidence I had left to engulf him in the tightest of hugs I could possibly give and uttering the only words meant for him and my five other lovers..

"I love you... More than anything in the world."


Yall we almost at 600 reads 😭😭

I'm so happy I feel like crying 💜

This is supposed to be a happy moment but yall know there's going to be some serious talk in the next chapter.... Maybe 👀

2 days until I start college ajsjfjsjs I really am not ready for this ✨

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