Chapter 9

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Y/n POV~

It had been a while since I thought back to the old piano me and my mother would play together. My mother told me when she bought the guesthouse it was left behind, it used to sit perfectly by the windows in the living room and we used to have guests come that would play.
But after my mother passed I moved it out of sight. It would hurt me.
To see it stood cracking more each day but yet filled with memories acting as a glue. I hid it from the world and protected it like my mother did for me.

I completely forgot where I was and I see yoongi sat beside me still and also in thought.

I stand up form the bench and walk over to the railing of the pathway to look down to the rest of the world. We was about three quarters of the way up but I could see over everything.

If I had never kept the guesthouse house, if I had never accepted their booking, if they had never reached out to me, I wouldn't be stood here right now, seeing something so beautiful something I had never have dared to leave the house for.

Yoongi POV~

I look up from my hands letting my eyes land on y/n's figure hanging over the railing.

I want to ask her what she thinks of us all, if she is really a fan. But I found it hard, I couldn't get my mouth to move to call her over so how could I ask  her opinion on us.

It never once occurred to me that some of the members crushing on another besides each other wouldn't bother me. I continue to stare waiting for her to turn around.

I start to see her slouched position straighten up and her head turn back to me.

She was beautiful. The wind carrying her hair just perfectly, even from the 2 metres distance between us I can see how much her skin glows in the mid day sunlight. I feel thump in my chest as I help eye contact while she walked over, grace in each step.

I could have sworn I saw wings of an angel shadow behind her.

'I think I'm starting to understand how the guys fell for her'
"are you reading to go?" her voice was just as angelic.

I let out a cough as I realise I had been staring too long "s-sure let's go"
Never would I have realised it before that at this moment I had begun to see why she felt so different.

We were to first to the top and we both took to find a bench to sit on and wait. soon after jungkook appeared shouting over and waving with a very tired taehyung lagging behind.

Y/n stands from her seat, offering taehyung the chance to relax no doubt having been dragged the whole way by our one and only maknae and his eccentric energy.
Both remaining pairs arrived together having explained how the two separate trails joined part way which was why they had formed a 4 member group.

Third POV~

After what seemed like forever all eight people were gathered at the single cafe atop of the mountain. Having waiting out a fair amount of time for a private room big enough to host all of them.

They Filled themselves with the 'luxurious' food they had to offer passing plates around and engaging in the many chaotic stories of their trip up the mountain.
Y/n had found herself caught in a discussion about how Seokjin had jumped into Namjoons arms when a- as Seokjin called it a flying beetle the size of a bird- flew a bit too close for comfort.

The room was filled with smiles and with no surprise at the boys when they all tuned in to her laughter as they saw a new side of her. In return allowing their flustered states to take over.


Y/n POV~

It was decided that the pairing would be switched to go back down. I was paired with hoseok while the others split into pairs amongst themselves.

We had spent a good couple of hours out and after walking so much I was starting to feel tired. Hoseok stuck with small talk as we made our way down, we had chosen one of the steeper routes and I could feel my shoes rubbing.

I was definitely going to feel this in the morning.

We was about half way when I realised it had gone into an awkward silence, we was walking at the same pace but it was clear as day none of us knew what to talk about.


"yeah? What's up is something wrong?" he looked directly into my eyes as if searching for any hint of pain or discomfort I could possibly be feeling.

"I-I remember one of you said you was an idol group.. Well.. Ah can you show me some of your songs I-I'm kind of curious but it's okay if not I mean-" his face lit up like the sun and I had to look away to not be blinded, his feelings shone through and I could tell he was happy.

" yes omg yess!!" he fiddled with his headphones while juggling his phone at the same time which made me laugh a little out loud.

When he finally stopped walking he placed one of the headphones in my ear and surprisingly I didn't flinch back or shy away, I just stood and then matched my steps with his as we walked should to shoulder listening to the song he had chosen to play.

It had a catchy melody but strong vocals I let the music carry me as I felt in my mind like I had been trapped in a trance instantly taking note of the lyrics that were spoke, hidden meaning in each phrase. I couldn't lie I could tell already why these boys were so popular having read up on them having a worldwide fanbase.
Any other time I would have zoned out while listening to music but I just couldn't with this, well not consciously anyway as I barely caught on to the song coming to an end.

I bit down on my lip wondering what to say but there was no need as the next song played through. Again the beat was strong and I could feel my fingers tapping inside my pockets.

We walked like this the rest of the way and we must have listened to their whole music career by the time we reached the bottom of the hill and saw everyone waiting for us.

I never took into account the strange looks everyone gave to hoseok when I finally removed the headphone from my ear and took a step away from his body. Letting whoevers hand pull me towards a car.

All I could think was how I could ask hoseok for the name of every song he played so I could download them all.


Ahhhh why did I feel so giddy when writing this 😂😂😭

I don't want to make you all wait too long for some fluff and stuff so maybe next chapter or the one after ahajskffjjd I dunno know 🥺

Thank you for reading~💜

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