Chapter 21

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Narrator's point of view

(I made a mistake on the last chapter, The ones who chased Auralie and the rest were 'Snatchers'. I apologize)

They took Harry and the others to the Malfoy Manor, they planned to anyways since they recognised a Malfoy face. Bellatrix came to view on the other side of the gate, it came to a displeasure to Auralie who could gauge her eyes out by her face.

"Get Draco..." She whispered when she saw the scar on Harry's forehead.

All of them pushed the teens inside the living room where Auralie's parents and twin her. She was behind Ron wanting to conceal her identity.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lucius asked when all he could see from where he is, is a bunch of Snatchers bringing useless teenagers.

A Snatcher holding Auralie pushed her for them to see and she looked away from their eyes in anger.

"Auralie..." Narcissa spoke, relieved to see her daughter once more again. For a second she acted like a mother seeing her daughter for the first time in a while.

Draco looked at her in disbelief, he hasn't seen her in months and those months were hell for him. He tried to walk towards her but was stopped by his father who held his arm firmly.

It pained for Auralie to see her family again, she didn't want to see them after that dream she had in the grimaulds. All she could feel for them was hatred.

"You have come back." Lucius said while holding his cane that was resting in front of him, by the sentence it made Auralie laugh.

"You think I'll come back to this horrid place? I guess nothing Has change since I left." Auralie spat that made a death-eater kick her down making her kneel in pain.

"Do that again and your death will be pleasing." Draco threatened stepping forward, wand in hand that made the man who hurt Auralie back down.

Auralie rolled her eyes, she doesn't need protection to those who she hates. Draco walked to her and handed his hand for Auralie to grab but instead she slapped his hand away and stood up, holding her stomach in pain.

"I don't need your help. After all, I'm just for you to spy on, am I wrong?" She glared at him with so much hatred that got Draco shaking on his feet.

Not once has he seen his sister so upset at him, only at laughs and joke but only difference this time it is not a joke to be laughed at. It was serious and it made Draco be in so much pain and guilt for losing the only person who he confided in growing up.

Hermione looked at her in pity, she as well never seen the girl like this. Except that time that she confronted Harry in the Gryffindor common room for almost killing her twin. It's a different story this time, It was real pain for her to bare, it measured up to how hurt she is when Hermione started to avoid her after the kiss.

"How did you know?" Narcissa asked behind Draco who was looking at Auralie.

"It doesn't matter on how I know. You treated me like shit, both you and him." Auralie pointed at Lucius who were standing still, acting like it didn't faze him but it did on the inside.

Silence occured and Bellatrix took this as an opportunity to grab Harry's hair and pull it for them to see his face. "Draco, Darling, Is this Potter?" She asked when she knew that none of the kids who accompanied Harry were willing to talk.

Draco walked towards them and took a good look of his face, "I'm not sure."

"Draco..." Lucius called while holding the back of his neck "Look closely son. If we are the ones who hand Potter over to the dark lord, everything will be forgive, everything will be as it was."

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