Chapter 18

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Narrator's point of view

Earlier, when all three of them arrived back to their tent, Auralie passed out on the ground. Hermione had to carry her to the bed and tend to Harry's wound after that. But the two conscious teens didn't know that Auralie has been shaking in fear from their battle.

Nagini was definitely her latest fear and caused her to dream about it killing her and everyone she loves. When the girl awoke, she had blood dripping down her temple and had to stand up and wash it off.

She grabbed a cloth and soaked it with warm water that was on the table and cleaned herself. She heard footsteps coming aclose and she immediately wiped the blood away and hid the towel on the table.

"You're awake. How you feeling?" Harry asked as he also just woke up. His body was feeling a little sore from his fight as well.

"I'm fine, Harry. How are you? Did you get answers while we were in there?" Auralie asked sitting down and didn't notice the wound on her temple had opened up and the blood was trailing down her face.

Harry noticed and his eyes landed on the small towel with fresh blood on it. He sighed and took it wiping it on Auralie's face.

"Hermione didn't notice this?" He asked and the girl shook her head.

"It's just a little scratch, I'll live. Don't worry about me how about you? Nagini almost beat your ass." Auralie took the cloth from his hand and rested it on the side of her head.

"My body hurts like I fell from the sky." He exaggerated making both them laugh.

A small silence occurred on the atmosphere and Harry sighed. "I miss Ron."

Auralie smiled, "Me too."

"Where's 'mione?" The girl asked noticing that Hermione was no where in sight. Harry looked back, "Probably outside, Come on let's go bug her."

Auralie laughed and followed him outside the tent and saw Hermione sitting peacefully against a tree with a book in hand. Auralie looked at her in so much admiration that she had to pry her eyes away from the girl before she could do anything.

"Are you two any better?" Hermione noticed them behind her and they nodded sitting in front of her.

"You've out done yourself, Hermione." Harry said as he looked around the piles of snows surrounding them.

There were also a small fire in front of them to make them warm.

"Came here once with mum and dad. Years ago. This is how I remember it, trees, the river, everything. Like nothing's change. Not true ofcourse, everything's change." Hermione spoke with ease and Auralie looked at her in pity.

She wished that she can take away any pain that Hermione has been feeling. Auralie's hand dropped to her lap and the blood gushing out her face was still there.

Hermione took the soaked cloth and put it against the girl's face making her wince slightly. "Gently, please?" Auralie said in a joke and both of them laughed.

"Just cast a cure, Where's my wand?" Harry suggested and Auralie looked at Hermione seeing as she was nervous by his question.

She stood up and revealed Harry's wand, broken in two. "I'm sorry, I tried to mend it but wands are different."

"It's done. I'm going back inside, rest. I'll take the locket." Harry stood up and walked back inside, with the two girls watching him. Hermione sighed and sat back down besides Auralie.

"He'll come around, He's Harry." Auralie said to make the gryffindor girl feel better. It somehow did, everything that Auralie says makes her feel better anyways.

𝗖𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now