Chapter 15

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Narrator's point of view

"Please make it stop!" Auralie shouted as she held onto her arm, latching onto it like she felt like it was coming off.

Hermione and Ron came to her aid, but mostly Hermione seeing as the boy didn't knew what to do.

"Ron, quickly from my bag there's a bottle named dittany." Hermione called while she ripped apart the cloth surrounding Auralie's wound.

Auralie took in deep breath, never feeling too much pain in her. The cruciatus curse was worse but this was much more painful for her. She cried begging the pain to stop that leaded Hermione to watch as the poor girl cry in agony.

Harry had took the bag from Ron as he couldn't find it from his shaking hands.

"Quickly!" Hermione shouted couldn't bare to see the girl in so much pain than ever.

"Accio." Harry waved his wand and the bottle popped out and he gave it to Hermione.

"Hermione, her arm." Harry gasped as he saw how it looked.

Auralie's wounds travlled to her neck and chin, worse than any of them has seen. She shook on her place, wanting her misery to stop.

"Please please, Make it stop I can't..." Auralie whimpered in whispers for them to hear and all she could feel and hear was her own pain. Her arm was ripping apart her insides making it hard for her to breathe normally.

"What happened? I thought we were meant to go back to Grimauld's place?" Harry asked kneeling besides Auralie.

"We were, we were I-" Hermione couldn't speak and find her own words, too shock by a sudden interest of hers injured.

Ron closed her eyes, blaming himself for being too slow to run. "She was splinched.. I-It's my fault I-..." Ron had been loss if words by hearing the horrible screech of Auralie who's pain was not stopping.

"I-I'm sorry, One more Auralie..." Hermione said and poured another drop to her neck making the girl squeamish in the pang of pain added.

The girl calmed down but was still in a lot of pain, she closed her eyes, too tired from fighting and staying awake. Hermione stood up and shuddered when she saw Auralie's blood on her hands.

She walked away from her, can't bare to see the girl in so much pain for her mistake of apparating. She had come back to her senses and waved her wand up.

Harry got to Auralie's side, holding her hand to ease her pain. The girl opened her eyes coming back to her senses but she couldn't speak.

"Protego totalum. Salvio Hexia." Hermione said, creating an enchanted barricade around their area for them to be safe.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked still gripping on the injured girl's hand.

"Protective enchantment..." Hermione explained. "You can keep going on the tent." She said and Ron grabbed the girl's bag searching for the thing.

After a few hours, Auralie still hasn't woken up with Hermione besides her as always. She wouldn't want to be apart from her even if the girl makes a slightest move.

Ron had been kicking himself for what happened, if he didn't leave Auralie to be the last one, then maybe, just maybe, she wouldn't get hurt and let him be the one who's injured.
Harry tried his best to cheer his mate up but he couldn't, neither could he to himself.

Hermione never let go of the sleeping girl's hand, she even slept on the chair for an hour while resting her head on the bed.

"It hurts..." Auralie whispered, her eyes still closed. Hermione looked up to her face, wonder in her eyes that she's awake.

𝗖𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now