Chapter 19

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Narrator's point of view

Harry sat alone in the dark, wanting some alone time for himself while the girls were asleep in their own beds. He was fondling the mirror that Sirius had given him months ago for them to communicate, he had surely missed his god father who died on the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange.

He put it down, sighing of the recent memory that flashed in his eyes. Sirius was a good man who was wronged, ofcourse his death will forever be remembered to Harry especially that he saw him disappear forever.

He looked up and saw a bright and strabfe light, a patronus walking by the distance. He stood up, mouth agape when he saw a doe. It walked further from him that made Harry want to follow it, it stopped in the middle of frozen ice cold water, it floating and became a small ball.

"Lumos." Harry spelled and walked more closer in the dark while he had Hermione's wand on his hand since his was broken.

He walked closer and just about as he was about to touch it, it disappeared from his eyes, going down from the ice. He frowned and looked downwards to where it went and saw a sword, he thinks is the gryffindor sword that has been missing.

Harry walked backwards in a safe distance and pointed his wand, "Diffindo." He said and the ice surrounding the sword had cracked, breaking the ice in circle.

Harry went back to land and took off his clothes leaving him in his underwear. He prepared himself for the cold, not thinking of another way to get it. He took a deep breath before diving inside the ice cold water leaving the wand on surface.

He had seen the sword clearly before his eyes, just as about he was going to reach in to grab it, the locket around his neck pulled him upwards making him choke and lose air. He held it and tried to stop it but to no avail it kept pulling him upwards to the surface.

Harry was far along on the ice he had broken and tried to break the one he is on, he was panicking and had no time for strength to break it enough. He saw a figure walking up, curiosity peaked his ears. But ofcourse he was still losing air and almost lost sight.

The mysterious figure took the sword and tossed it on the surface before grabbing Harry's cold body and brought him up. The boy breathed in many deep air in relief, he stood up gathering the last energy he has and took his glasses to see who saved him in the water.

"Hermione?" He called thinking it was the girl who helped him, but was wrong when he saw a familiar face he hasn't seen a long time.

"You're mental." Ron said smiling, clearly happy to see his bestfriend but more worried for he almost died.

"It was you?" Harry asked limping from the cold over towards Ron.

"Well yeah. Bit obvious I think."

"And you cast a doe as well did you?" Harry asked while he put his clothes on, remembering the certain animal that lead him to the sword.

"No I thought that was you."

"No my patronus is a stag." Harry explained buttoning up his pants.

"Right that was..." Ron exclaimed while he held on the gryffindor sword on his hand.

When Harry was finished on putting his clothes back on, he set the locket on a stone, wanting to break it.

"Okay Ron, do it." Harry said while the other boy was shaking in fear of what he is about to do, ofcourse he is unsure.

"I can't handle it. I think it fits me more than it fits you and Hermione."

"All the more reason." Harry nodded, encouraging him.

𝗖𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now