XXII. "Oh, baby, green looks good on you."

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  The smell of bleach and windex. The small chitter chatter of people in the hallways. The familar faces. The friendly smiles and not so friendly glares. The uneasy feeling in my stomach. The stench of greasy fried food. Yeah, it was the first day back and I just wanted to crawl back under the safe comforter of my bed. Alot had changed in such little time, and it was all hitting me now, and I was freaking out. I felt a nudge at my side as I grabbed one of my old composition notebooks from my locker. 

"Hey, stranger." I turned around and nearly stumbled against the lockers. It was Becky and she looked like a totally different person. Her hair was longer and blonder. Wait, blonder!

"Oh my gosh! What happened to you? Who did this? You look so different!" I gasped in shock. She looked good. Real good. 

"Well, hey-sorry-for-disappearing-on-you-during-the-break to you too, bitch!" She hugged me. I laughed, brushing off her comment because I didn't want to relive the moment. I mean, who would?

It was nice catching up with Becky though. Her sense of humor had not changed like the rest if her did. She'd just became so...girly. It took some getting used to. At lunch I caught up with Roni, who had been trying to give me the cold shoulder, but she could never stay mad at me long enough.

"Where's that other girl we used to hang with? What's her name?" Becky put her finger on her chin and scrunched her face in. I didn't bother trying to remember, because I doubt I did.

"Her name was like Brittany or something. You know she got mad when Chance and Danny got into that really big fight." Roni tried to explain. I just sat there, smiling.

"Speaking of Chance, where is that boy?" Becky asked, looking around the cafeteria. I had no idea where he was. He dropped me off this morning, but I hadn't seen him since.

"Are y'all like...official now?" Roni asked in a hushed tone, to which I responded with a giggle as I popped a tater tot in my mouth. It was gross, but it was food and I was hungry. 

"Come on! You guys have been talking for what? At least 5 months now." She whined.

"4, we don't count August 'cause I didn't like him in August, and he didn't even know my name." I shrugged.

She went on after that until lunch period was over. She was always gushing over cliche romances and I told her there was nothing cliche about Chance and I. She still labels us as cliche, so I don't argue most times.

The day was almost over and I was anticipating the last bell of the day. Once it rang, I was already out of my seat and halfway down the hall to the entrance to hopefully to meet Chance, but instead I see he's talking to some girl. I stop and just look, to see who it is.

It was that girl. The one me, Becky, and Roni used to hang with. I almost immediately remembered her name.

"Bridget!" I yelled, covering my mouth and hiding behind a wall. She was giggling loud and flirtatiously. I really wanted to kick her face in, but that's no way to do things. I fixed my uniform and made my way over. I smiled and waved at Chance, walking up to him confidently giving him a hug. He kissed me, and I smiled.

Bridget cleared her throat. I cut my eyes at her and smiled. "Hey, Bridget! How's it going?" I felt like Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl, even though we have almost nothing in common.

"Never been better." Her voice trailed off. "Hey, I have to go, Chance. See you in Lab tomorrow."

When she finally left I frowned. "Do I need to take you out of Lab? Cause I don't like how she was all on you."

He grinned. "Oh, baby, green looks good on you."

"Shut up, Chance."

Short, I know. I'm sorry. I love you guys. You miss me?

Ideas for future chapters? Drop them here PLEASE, I need help lol.

Follow me on Instagram I changed my name...again: bebiemumah

New story coming between next month and July 8: Community Service, an interracial romance.

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