XXV. "Only half."

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XXV. --excuse mistakes--


"Hey, Chance!" Charlie's son, Jake, called me from the cash register. "They want you to wait tables for the rest of the night."

I walked out of the kitchen, untying my apron. The Friday night rush hours hadn't started yet, but they would soon and I really wasn't in the mood to wait tables. I agreed and took a tray to the table he directed me to.

Something had been bothering me all day and I had no idea what it was. I walked to the next table as they looked at their menus. They didn't have drinks yet.

"Hello," I half smiled. "Welcome to Charlie's! What would you guys want to drink?" They were an old couple and the woman hadn't said a word, her husband spoke for her. They already knew what they wanted. I wrote it down and took the order back to the register.

"How's that girlfriend of yours?" Jake asked me as I grabbed a new set of menus and a couple of straws and placed a waiter's apron around my waist.

"She's good actually. Always busy, but so am I, so I can't blame her. I just don't think we should be living together, you know? Like I keep thinking it's gonna end badly." I babbled on. I didn't mean to say all that, but I had. It was out there now. Maybe that's what's been bothering me.

"Whoa, man. Maybe you should talk to her about it. Moving in with someone seems like a huge step to make and you guys literally just met." He said understandingly.

I nodded and watched as a new group walked in. They looked familiar, but who didn't look familiar around here?

"Hey, isn't that your dad?" He asked. "Woah, I didn't know you had a sister? She's hot."
I flared my nostrils and watched as they sat down. "Where's Milly?"

"She won't be in until the rush hours start."

I took a deep breath and walked to their table. I didn't even know these people's names, and their supposed to be my family.

"Hello, welcome to Charlie's. What would you like to drink." I stared at my notepad, but I could feel a pair of eyes on me.

"Well, isn't this wonderful? The whole family is here." The voice of my father spoke loudly, disrupting several surrounding conversations.

I glared at him, catching a glimpse at the rest of the family. I roamed my eyes around Jessica, who I met before I moved out. She had a huge smile on her face, which was piled with makeup. Suspicious.

I looked next to her to find Amelia staring at me with a lustful look in her eyes. I remembered the party and how I almost made out with her.

Did I make out with her?

I glanced in front of her where a guy sat next to my dad. He had sandy blonde hair, a light mixture of brown and blonde. We favored but not by much.

"We'll all have water with lemon." My father spoke, a sinister smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to get their drinks. Once I took them their drinks they were ready to order. My dad didn't make anymore remarks, but Amelia kept looking at me. Eventually I became pestered and as soon as Milly walked through the doors, I asked her to wait their table.

Once things were settled enough, I made my way back to the kitchen, but of course, not before I was interrupted by Amelia who was on the way to bathroom, or so she made it seem.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"What? I can't speak to my ex-boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? Don't you think it's just a little gross that I'm your brother?" I looked at her, bewildered by her actions.

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