XIX. "We'll be fine."

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"So, you guys are moving in together?" Becky asked as I tended to the other tables in the restaurant. It was, unfortunately, my first day working as a waitress at Charlie's Diner.

A week had passed since my miscarriage and all I wanted was to have my life back before all the chaos, but it's hard to move away from chaos when it's in every corner you turn in.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I wiped the table next to her's for the hundredth time.

"So your mom hasn't called or anything?" She asked.

"Well, yeah she's been blowing me up this past week. I don't really think I can face her right now." I walked away to take someone's order.

"But Christmas is in like 5 days. Are you at least going to Christmas dinner? You're technically still a kid to the government. You're going to have to go back one day." She said as I pulled out my pen and paper.

"Welcome to Charlie's. Our special today is Roast on White. What can I get you guys to drink?" I said to the table full of jocks that I knew from just hanging around Chance during school.

"Danny! Babygirl, how you holding up?" Asked Joe, who was a bigger guy with dark skin. He was handsome for a big guy, but he was really loud.

"I'm fine, just working my ass off. Nothing new." I smirked. "Now what do want to drink?"

"I'll have a Root Beer." He said.

"Coke" one said whose name I believed was Jake.

"Dr. Pepper." the one beside Jake said. I didn't know his name, but I knew he was a sophomore.

"And I'll have a lemonade." Kyrek said. Kyrek was a handsome little thing, but he wasn't my type. He had glowing mocha skin that reminded me of a hot cup of cocoa. He had a voice made of velvet and he was definitely one of the chillest guys at Westlyn.

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks and then I'll take your orders." I said as I walked to the back to fix their drinks.

"Hey beautiful." I heard someone say from behind me as I filled four cups with ice. I turned my head briefly to get a glimpse at who it was.

"DuBose don't burn the burgers." I said to Chance as I fixed the drinks.

"Hey, I'm handling mine; you just need to make sure nobody tries to talk to you. I'm quick to flip a guy like a meat patty." He joked.

I laughed at his stupid joke. "Bye, Chance."

"See ya', beautiful."

I walked back over to the table filled with boys, handing each their requested beverages. They all thanked me and began to order their meals.

"Aye, you still talk to Chance?" Kyrek asked me as he stroked his nicely trimmed goatee.

I nodded my head. "Why ya' ask?"

"Haha, Kyrek tryna' spit game y'all!" Joe joked, causing the table to erupt in laughter. Kyrek waved them off.

"So, are y'all dating or what? 'Cause if you're looking for a good time, I can show it to you."

I laughed and shook my head. "I'm flattered but no thanks Kyrek. Bad timing."

"Oh, okay. You still cool though. Can I atleast have your number?"

"Ky, just let it breathe man. She's not interested." Jake told him, a smirk on his face.

"Danny?" He looked at me.

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