VI. "I want you to have my child..."

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"Niall, get out!" I said sternly through gritted teeth.

"Danny, you and I both know you don't want me to go." he cooed sadistically as he stood and reached his hand out to touch my face, but I swatted it away.

"Don't touch me you sick bastard." I was hoping he could hear the venom in my voice.

"Why?" he touched my cheek and caressed it softly as he leaned down and kissed my neck. "I want you to have my child, Danny."

I pushed him. "Get off me!"

He grabbed me by my arms and threw me on my bed. "That little white boy out there got you thinking you brave, huh?"

I cried as he put his hands over my mouth and stared me deep in my eyes. I hated him the most. He was the oldest and the main one that tormented me. Henry would be more understanding and let it go, but Niall could never let me go.

"I hate you!" I said through his dirty hand.

He snarled at me and lifted his hands to forcibly kiss me.

I hated his touch, his caramel skin tone, his red tip dyed dreads that stopped at his shoulders, his sloppy build of a body, his nice full lips, his almond brown eyes, and most of all I hated his penis. I hated that it was so big that it hurt me every time he entered me. I hate him.

I cried silently as he pulled my shirt off along with my leggings. I hadn't even had the time to take my shoes off. I now regretted not putting my bra and underwear back on when I changed. He went straight to business and began to suck the nipple on my left breast as he played with the right.

I found no pleasure in this. I just cried wondering how had I let my life get this bad. I looked over and saw that my phone was lighting up from a phone call. I cried harder knowing that it was Chancellor, maybe he'll suspect that something's wrong and come to the rescue. I doubt it, but there was still hope.

I arched my back as he made his way down to my precious. Yes, I call it my precious because that's what it is. My vagina is precious. I felt him licking and sucking on my sensitive pearl. No matter how much I hated him, I loved when he gave me oral. Don't get me wrong I still want to spit in his face and kill him, but do you know how good it feels to have that part of you licked and sucked on? It feels amazing.

He stopped arubtly and rose up to position himself before shoving his length into me. I bit my lip hard as tears flowed out of my eyes. Once he was inside me he began to pump slowly as I just stared at the ceiling, crying until my eyes ran out of tears and he was finished, making sure to ejaculate his semen inside of me.

I closed my eyes as I waited on him to leave. I couldn't bring myself to get up and grab my phone, knowing I could do nothing about the child that probably was on its way into being made at that exact moment.


A couple of hours later after I had gotten up and took a shower, my mom appeared in my door frame.

"Hey, honey." she smiled. "How do you feel?"

"I'm doing okay. Chancellor came by today." I lied as I sat up in the bed.

Her grin became wider. "That was so nice of him. He's worried about you, ya know?"

"Yeah, I know. I just don't want to get attached. You know what happened last time, Mom." I responded.

"Babe, you have to let what Rodrick did to you go. You can't keep your walls up forever. Chancellor is nothing like Rodrick and I honestly don't understand why they're friends." she said as she came and sat on the edge of my bed.

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