V. The Right Thing

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"Where were you Saturday?" Rodrick asked me as I walked down the hallway. It was Monday morning and I wanted nothing more but to choke the living shit out of him.

"At the hospital." I said vaguely as I reached my locker.


"To see a friend." I unlocked my locker and grabbed my English textbook.

"Really, Chance? We all know I'm your only friend." he leaned against some girls locker slamming it right in her face. I'm pretty sure he was only saying this to be playful, but I'm not in the mood for it.

I slammed my locker and pulled him by his shirt to move him out the way. "It's none of your business."

I pushed him and walked off to class. I could almost feel his dumbfounded smirk as I walked away. As I passed the door to the entrance of the school, I could see Daniella slowly walking up the steps. She looked to be in no better condition from two days ago. Why wasn't she still in the hospital? Doesn't she need to be on suicide watch or something?

I walked up to her, not know exactly what to say, and blurt: "You shouldn't be here. You look like shit."

By the way she stared at me, I figured that that wasn't the best thing to say to a girl that almost died 48 hours ago, but as we all know, I'm a doofus.

She rolled her eyes. "Leave me alone."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the school.

"Stop touching me!" she tried to yell, but it only came out dry and dull. "I'm sick of the hospital and I don't want to be stuck at home all day."

I pulled her around to the side of the school where no one could see us. I let go of her but didn't take my eyes of her.

"Why?" I asked.

"What are you even talking about? I told you I didn't want to be friends with you. I don't need your charity."

I shook my head. "Will you just shut up for a second?" She went quiet. "Why wouldn't you want to be stuck at home all day? I don't undestand."

A tear slide down her face. "I just don't want to, okay? Can you just leave me alone now?"

"No, I'm taking you home. You don't need to be here." I challenged her.

"You can't make me go anywhere with you." she spat. "Don't do me any favors."

"Just tell me why." I sighed, giving up.

She took a deep breathe. "Because my stepbrothers are there."

"Okay...do they annoy you or something? What's so bad about them?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to be around when they're around." she looked in the opposite direction.

"Why, though?" I asked.

She scoffed. "This is stupid."

"Only because you're being difficult. Just spill it."

She took another deep breath. "I don't want to tell you. It's personal."

"I can respect that, but I'm not letting you stay here. It's not safe."

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