44| naked

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"Sam," I whisper, gently shaking his shoulder.

Still sound asleep, he shifts so my hand falls off his shoulder, and I sigh.

"Sammy." I urge, shoving his shoulder again, a little more forcefully this time.

He grunts, never opening his eyes, but I know he's awake now.

"Are you up?" I kiss his cheek and he just grunts again.

"Is anyone dead or dying?" He cracks his eyes open and gives me the coldest look I've ever seen, only making me feel a little guilty.

"Can you rub my back?" I whisper, dropping my chin down on his chest.

"I'm going back to sleep," he rolls on his side, and I sigh, sitting up and crossing my legs under myself.

"I started my period and my back hurts really bad, please Sammy?" I whine, lightly running my fingers down his arm, before grabbing his hand.

He lays on his back, looking up at me sleepily. "Didn't you already do that?"

"Yes. It's kind of a monthly thing."

Groaning loudly, he pulls the covers aside and motions for me to lay next to him, making me smile widely.

Crawling on top of him, my knees fall on either side of him and I tuck my face in his neck. "I love you,"

"Love you," he mumbles back, pushing my shirt up and massaging my back, making me sigh loudly.

"What time is it?" He yawns, his movements slow and lazy like he's still half asleep, which I'm pretty sure he is.


"Did you take any pain medicine?" He asks, and I nod, pressing a light kiss to his jaw.

"An hour ago,"

"How long have you been up?" He questions, his voice getting groggier as I run my hands through his bed head, my fingers only catching on a couple tangles.

"Since four. I woke up wanting to vomit and that paired with killer cramps tends to get you going."

He sighs, wrapping one arm around me tightly in what I think is a hug, and I hug him back best I can without moving too much.

"I'm sorry, bubba, that's terrible," he kisses the top of my head, and I just shrug.

"It's been five years, I'm used to it now."

"You started when you were eleven? Shit, Mads. Did you even know what it was?" He replies, his fingers pressing into my lower back as he massages the aches away.

"Nope, which was pretty traumatic, but luckily for me Maya was there so the boys and I didn't have to completely fend for ourselves." I laugh lightly, remembering how horrible that day was.

I cried a lot.

"You know, Mom has never made periods secret or gross, she just kinda stated it as it was. It's natural, I don't see why people freak out over it. Except you, you're allowed to freak out, your uterus is tearing itself apart and you're feeling the pain of it." He says, and I chuckle, pressing my cheek against his chest.

"Of course I'm not as thoroughly educated as you on the matter, but Mom made sure that I was informed on what it was and why it happened. She told me that one day," he stops to yawn, "I was gonna marry a girl who I loved more than anything, and she deserved to have a husband who was a man and not a boy, cause only boys make other people feel bad about their bodies and what's natural."

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