1| sunshine

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MY NAME IS Madeline Jane Lace.

I'm sixteen years old and I live on Cascade Street in Oregon Ohio. And I attend Newport High with my brothers.

Oh yeah, I should maybe mention that I have a few very overprotective, overbearing, overwhelming brothers.

The eldest is Maverick, but we all call him Ricky. He's twenty four and moved out with his fiancée Maya, because she's expecting my new niece or nephew in the next few months, so he only comes around the house once or twice a week. He's the one who practically raised us. My mom died after giving birth to me, which led my father in a downward spiral of alcohol and many other things a father of six children, the youngest only being almost two when he got into it, shouldn't be doing. When Ricky was nineteen Dad finally left and we haven't heard from him since.

The next is Ollie. He's twenty two and lives in his apartment building a few minutes down the road, so he's over almost everyday. His college, the one all the boys and myself want to attend, Blue Mountain, is super close to his apartment. He's the first to succumb to my puppy dog eyes and give me what I want, though.

Elwin, or Winn as everyone calls him, and Emmett are nineteen. They're identical twins and are the same in every way. They also go to college with Ollie.

My eighteen year old brother, Parker is probably one of the worst. He likes to think he's super tough when he really isn't.

And then there's me. I'm sixteen years old, and pretty boring. But I'm determined to change that.


I walk into my room and decide to get dressed then. Since it's the first day of school and it's cooling down, I decide on a dark orange skirt with a black tee shirt tucked into it.

I throw on a pair of sheer tights underneath it and put on my doc martens. As a second thought, I add a grey loose knit cardigan.

I pull my hair into a messy low bun and check myself in my full length mirror. I like it.

I throw my backpack over my shoulder and see the bathroom is finally open. I grin and drop my bag before booking it. I forgot my makeup bag in there and I need to get it before the boys find it and get rid of it.

I slam the door shut and am attacked with the scent of Winn's cologne.

I pull out my small bag of makeup from my drawer where I hid it. If the boys had it their way I wouldn't ever wear any, but I managed to get some.

I put some concealer under my eyes to brighten them and decide on a thin layer of mascara. I brush on some blush and put on my favorite vanilla lip balm.

I walk out of the bathroom and grab my bag before running down the stairs.

I sit down at the table where Emmett, Winn, and Parker are sitting. I grab a piece of toast from the middle of the table to see all their eyes on me.

"Good morning." I murmur around a mouthful  of toast.

The boys stare at me as if I waltzed out in my underwear and called it an outfit.

"Oh, what?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

Then comes the onslaught of verbal assault.

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