30| felix

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"SO YOU'RE JUST going to take their order, put it into the computer, sort out the pay, and give them their receipt. Easy peasy." Lennie, the girl who's training me, says with a smile.

"That sounds simple but I'm also really dumb and I'm going to mess up. I'm sure of that fact." I admit, making her laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're gonna do great. Now get going, you got this." She grins, motioning towards the cash register.

I nod, forcing a little nod and walking over.

Today is my first day working at Dunkin', and I'm nervous, to say the least. Lennie has been great and she explained everything thoroughly, so I understand it, but I feel like I'm going to screw up.

"Could I get a medium iced cold brew, to-go?"

I snap out of my daze to see a mid-thirties man standing in front of me.

"Oh, uh, of course. Will that be all, or can I help you with anything else?" I ask, smiling even though my stomach is churning with nerves.

"No," he says curtly, staring down at his phone again.

After putting it into the computer as fast as I can, I look back up at him. "Your total will be two forty-nine."

He hands me a couple of dollar bills, still not looking at me.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you're forty-nine cents short," I say sheepishly, feeling like he's going to get mad at any second.

I realize my prediction was correct when he shoves his phone back in his pocket, sighing loudly and obnoxiously.

He doesn't say anything, just shoving another dollar into my hand.

"Would you like your-?"

"No." He snips, turning around and plopping down on one of the tables in the corner.

That went well.

"Hey, how'd that go?" Lennie asks as I put the cash in the register, throwing the receipt away.

"Fine, I guess. He wants a medium iced cold brew, by the way." I shrug, and she nods, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"You sure it was okay?"

I nod, smiling. "I promise. He's just a cranky old bastard."

This makes her snort, turning around and going to make the coffee.

I only signed up for three hours after school, and I'm doing two shifts a week, so it's not an overwhelming amount of work but it's still nice.

The rest of my shift goes by smoothly, only having to deal with a couple of other Karen's, but a few minutes before I finish, I see a familiar mop of curly brown hair.

Walking right up to the cash register, he gives me a flirty smile.

"Did you know, that if you were a coffee ground you'd be espresso cause you're so fine?" Sam asks, leaning across the counter a little.

Blushing hard, I roll my eyes. "Hello, sir, how may I help you?"

He smirks. "Maybe by getting a coffee with me, because I like you a latte."

"If you don't have an order I'm going to have to ask you to get out of line," I say, tilting my head.

"But I've just bean thinking about you." He pouts a little, making me giggle.

"Come on, you idiot, order something or go away," I tell him, fighting a little grin.

"I would like a medium French vanilla swirl iced coffee, for my lady, and a medium plain black hot coffee. Oh, and a couple of chocolate cake donuts, please and thank you." He tells me with a handsome smile, and I nod, biting my bottom lip.

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