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"HOW WAS YOUR first day of school, Maddie?" Winn asks over dinner.

"Okay. You guys?" I reply, deciding not to bring up Sam.

"Fine." Winn and Emmett say at the same time, which never fails to creep me out.

"Make any friends?" Parker asks me, shoving more spaghetti in his mouth.

"Uh, kinda. A girl from my history class. She was nice, I guess."

They all nod.

"I still miss Amelia." I tell them, stabbing a meatball with my fork.

"I know, Mads. You can call her and text her whenever you want, but you need to think about making friends here. Amelia is almost a thirty hour drive from here."

"Thanks for the reminder, Winn. Really makes me feel better." I snap, glaring up at him.

"I don't like your attitude today, Madeline Jane." He says, and I know he means business when he uses my full name.

"Whatever," I mutter, putting my fork down.

"I'm going to bed." I tell them, standing up from the table and walking to the stairs.

Once I make it to my new room, I look around. I do like it, it's just unfamiliar.

The layout is different, but it's nice. Instead of just having my bed be normal, I have a loft. Up in my loft I have enough space for my bed, and across from my bed is a big beanbag and a small bookshelf full of my favorite novels and my closet.

My loft is built into the wall, and under where the loft is, is my built in bathroom. It's not huge, but it's nice to not have to share with the boys.

In the actual floor part of my room, I have a fluffy grey rug, my white desk where my homework has been messily thrown, and a few pencils in a jar on top of it. I haven't had the chance to decorate my room anymore but I definitely have plans.

I climb up the ladder and sit on my bed. It's undeniably the best part about my room.

I flop back and sigh. I don't want our new house, I don't want to make new friends, I don't want to deal with annoying boys.

I want to go home.

I grab my phone and FaceTime my best friend from home, Amelia Patel.

A minute later, her face fills my screen. Her dark hair is up in a messy bun, a few pieces escaping and falling around her face.

"Hey girlie, what're you doing?" She asks, grinning at me.

"I dunno, I miss you a lot. School has been absolute torture and apparently I have an attitude?" I tell her, sighing and tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Why is school torture?" She asks, her grin become a small frown.

I sigh loudly. "There's this dude. He was annoying me all day, calling me 'MJ'? Like, who's ever called me that? And he's the player of the school, of freaking course, and he's trying to get in my pants. I'm so over it! If this is how the first day is going, I don't wanna go to school anymore." I vent, tugging on my hair.

"Is he hot?" She asks, making me glare at her through the phone.

"He's the player, Lia. Of course he's hot."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I was trying to cheer you up. You're right, he sounds like a horrible person and I'm sorry I'm not there to kick his ass for you." She says.

"It's fine. I just- I don't wanna make new friends. I had you and I was set. Now I have to talk to new people and try not to act like I hate everyone, but that's not me! You know I don't do either of those things!"

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