19| charming

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"THESE ARE AMAZING, princess." Winn murmurs, chewing on one of the snickerdoodles I made.

"Thank you." I grin when all the boys, Sammy included, nod in agreement.

"Emmy, can I have a go of Mario Carts?" I ask, taking the last of the cookies off the tray and onto a cooling rack.

"Sure thing, kid." He kisses my forehead as he walks past me, grabbing another cookie.

I walk out to the couch, jumping on the couch and grabbing the controller, as I sprawl out on my back.

"Sam, aren't you coming?" I call, setting up the game.

"In a minute!"

I sigh, a sense of disappointment washing over me. I wanted to cuddle.

And of course, since I'm wonderful at portraying my feelings, I yell, "Hurry up, loser!"

I get through a couple rounds of Mario, somehow always losing, when I hear my name drop in the kitchen.

Sitting up straighter, I strain to hear what they're saying. Because I can only get bits and pieces over the music on the game, I set the controller down and quietly inch towards the kitchen door.

"-what do you mean?" I can hear who I think is Parker, but only the end of his sentence.

"Well, I wanted to talk about Maddie." Sam replies, making me squint and try to figure out what he's saying.

What about me?

"What about her?" Emmett says, voicing my thought. Good kid.

"I care about her, a lot, but I think you guys know that. I consider you guys my friends, hopefully that's mutual, and I wouldn't want to do anything without talking to you guys first."

My eyes go wide and my palms go clammy, as I chew on my lip nervously.

"So what're you saying?"

"I'm saying that Mads is an amazing person and, if she's willing, I'd love to ask her on a date. But, I understand that you guys are like father figures to her and I want to run it by you first. I want to know if, in your opinion, I'd be good enough for her." Sam replies, not in his usual cocky attitude. He sounds sincere.

My heart is going nuts, hammering against my ribs, but I can't fight the smile that's making its way onto my face.

No one speaks for a minute and the smile falls off my face. They're gonna say no.

"I don't think anyone is good enough for her." Winn says firmly, making my heart drop to the floor.

"But I'll admit, you're the first person who's come to us and that proves you're better than the rest." He finishes and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Progress. Great.

"What's your goal?" Parker asks immediately, always the overly protective one.

"What do you-?"

"-I expect you have good intentions when it comes to my little sister?" He cuts him off, making me sigh.

He's not going to let the kid get a word in.

"Of course I have good intentions." Sam replies, sounding a little defensive.

Watch this turn into some sort of goddamn argument. Perfect.

"Then what're your goals with this relationship, if it were to happen?"

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