29| cupcakes

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SINCE AMELIA AND Roman have to leave in the morning, Lia and I decide the throw the biggest sleepover/going away party.

It started off as us just watching shows in my bed and chatting, to us drinking green tea gossiping, then we were doing face masks, and we somehow ended up playing twister in my cramped little room.

After falling flat on her ass and dying laughing, Amelia gasps. "Wanna make cupcakes?"

I grab my phone and check the time. "It's like two-thirty, bro."

"That's why it's a perfect time! No dumb boys stealing our cake and licking the frosting spoon, we totally have to make them."

"Okay, okay, but we have to be quiet so we don't wake up the boys." I relent, standing up and laughing.

"We're making the frosting blue though, I really want blue frosting." She tells me, climbing to her feet and grabbing a random hoodie off the floor.

She throws it over herself and tugs on my arm, making me come with her.

Plopping down on the kitchen floor and grabbing a bowl, Lia tossed me the box mix.

"So, we're just going to doctor the box cake, it'll make it taste amazing," I whisper to her, pouring the mix into a bowl.

"Here, I grabbed some stuff that I think would go in a cake. Eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla." She says, carefully putting all the ingredients down.

"And sprinkles?" I hold up the container of rainbow sprinkles and she grins.


I nod, "I see."

Once we've mixed up all the ingredients and scooped them into trays, we put them in the oven.

Amelia decides that she is sitting on the floor and watching them bake while I make the frosting, which she always uses to do when we would bake at home.

I find it boring but she loves it.

"Blue did you say?" I ask, glancing over at her.

She nods, not even turning around to look at me.

She is very invested in those cupcakes.

Adding a couple of drops of blue food coloring, I sit down beside her and mix the frosting together.

She just leans her head on my shoulder, her eyes trained on the oven.

"Did you wanna try some of this-?" I start to ask, but she cuts me off.

"I think I'm pregnant."

Dropping the whisk, I snap my head over to her.


Still refusing to look at me, she whispers, "My period is a week late, I've slept like shit the last couple weeks, I always feel bloated."

"You can't be though, you're on birth control." I shake my head, still in denial.

There's no way, she's not that irresponsible.

"I ran out and completely forgot to get more. It slipped my mind I guess." Her voice cracks, her hands coming up to cover her face.

"Amelia..." I whisper, my voice trailing off.

"I know, I'm freaking out too." She lays flat on the floor, her dark brown eyes filled with tears.

"Have you taken any tests?"

She just shakes her head. "Nope. I can't bring myself to, it just makes it too real."

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