2| mj

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"I'M SAM." HE says, after pulling out my other earphone.

I roll my eyes and before I can put it back in, he's pulled the whole cord out and my phone is blaring Green Day.

He smiles and leans back against the desk behind him, his hands in his pockets.

Embarrassment paints my cheeks pink and hurriedly pause it, trying to ignore the looks I get.

I shove my phone in my pocket and put my earphones back in a side pocket of my bag, my ears still burning.

"I didn't peg you as a punk rock kinda girl, it's cute. Green Day isn't bad, but I like things that are a little easier to listen to. Have you heard of Emily Burns?" He bites his bottom lip casually, tilting his head at me.

"Piss off, Sam." I hiss, sliding down farther into my seat.

"What's your name, gorgeous?" He asks, brushing off my comment.

I sigh and throw my head back. "Haven't you ever heard of being rejected, asshole?"

"Oh, I don't know, it doesn't usually happen." He says, smirking.

"That's right, you're the man whore! Fun." I tell him, loving the surprised look on his face.

"Not man whore, per se, that's a little drastic. More...women can't resist me and I take opportunities thrown in my direction." He stands up and sets his hands on my desk, smiling easily.

One of his dark eyebrows quirk when he sees the annoyed look on my face, his tongue poking into his cheek.

"Well, it's a good thing I wore my jackass repellent."

"You know, I think sunshine really matches your cheery demeanor. Sunshine it is." He says, before sitting in the desk right beside mine.

I roll my eyes and look to the front of the room cause class is starting.

For the next hour, Miss Stancel rambles on about anatomy structure, and from the corner of my eye I can see Sam throwing casual glances at me.

When we're finally dismissed, I throw my bag over my shoulder and tuck my books under my arm, trying to get out of the class as soon as possible.

"So, are you finally going to tell me your name?" Sam asks, quickly gathering his stuff and following me down the aisle, dropping a pencil on his way.

I sigh and ignore him, heading to the door. He walks beside me and I catch a few girls shamelessly glaring at me.

I shoot them a dirty look, and a few look away but others just roll their eyes.

As I walk into the hall to my locker, Sam keeps talking.

"Where did you move from?"

"Chicago." I snap, not looking at him.

"It's a big place, pretty girl. More specific maybe?" He replies, laughing a little.

I scoff at the nickname. Real original.

"No." I tell him, pushing the sleeves of my cardigan up to my elbows when they cover my hands again, annoying me.

He keeps trailing behind me as I reach my locker, mostly talking to himself as he attempts to get me to clear up where I'm from.

Pulling a little piece of paper out of my pocket with my combination on it, I study that as I attempt to tune out his voice.

Just as I finish getting the last of my books into the locker, Sam asks, "So, are you single?"

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