5| biased

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I'M BRAIDING A small piece of my hair as I listen to my Home Ec teacher, Miss Armstrong, explain how to make white sauce.

I mean, I feed a house full of boys. I know how to make a damn white sauce, woman.

Ricky insisted I do this class for extra credits and I know he's right, so I get over it and keep listening.

I pretend I'm taking notes, but instead start sketching an astronaut. It's cartooney and definitely not realistic, but it's entertaining.

Slowly, my astronaut turns into me adding a few planets, then I throw in some stars and in the end I've covered most of my page in doodles. Anything is better than listening to her nasally voice. It's giving me a headache, I swear.

When I look up at her again, she's giving us our homework assignment, and I'm more than happy to hear it.

After quickly scribbling it down in my assignment pad, she dismissed us. I shove all my books into a pile and get ready to leave these stupid four walls I've stared at for the past hour.

When I step out in the hall I get ready to go to my locker, but my plan is quickly stopped.

"Hey," A high pitched voice says. I face the voice to see a girl. She's tall, with long red hair, pale skin and green eyes.

"Uh, hey." I reply, giving her a curt wave before walking to put my books in my locker. I have lunch next and after sitting through a class where all she talks about is food I'm more than ready to go.

She quickly follows after me, saying, "No, I wanted to talk."

"Oh, okay, shoot," I tell her, her keeping my pace as I walk, getting closer to my locker.

"My name is Primrose Oakley, but everyone just calls me Rose. So, we're doing cheer auditions today after school. You should come." She says, handing me a burn your retinas bright neon green piece of paper.

"Well, thank you, but I'm gonna focus school for awhile. I just moved here and it's kinda an adjustment. Cheer isn't really on the top of my priorities list. But uh, thanks again for the offer." I say, trying to hand her the paper back, but she pushes it to me again.

She smiles. "Keep it. Maybe you'll change your mind."

Giving me a little wave, she walks away, still smiling.

Tucking it in my bag, I'm positive I'm not going to sign up, but it was nice of her to think of me.

I walk into the cafeteria and look around for Parker, trying to find him since he said he was gonna meet here for lunch.

As if on cue, my phone goes off.

Parker: I'm gonna go get a burger or something. Want anything?

Mads: You left me and now I'm all alone, this could be considered neglect

Parker: Chill woman. I'll be back in like fifteen minutes.

Mads: Hurry Park, and fries please

I sigh and look up. I don't want to sit by myself, and I sure as hell don't want to sit with some randos.

I turn around and decide to just hang out outside until he gets back.

When I get outside, I'm pleasantly surprised to feel that it's warmer than usual. Not hot, that's for sure, but it's comfortable.

I head over to a bench and sit down, crossing my legs under myself, trying to soak in any sun left.

Giving Ollie a call, I wait for him to answer, tapping my fingers on my leg.

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