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OF COURSE, BECAUSE like some idiot said, all good things have to come to an end, the hour ended too quickly.

And even though I knew he wouldn't be there in the morning, I'm in a shitty mood because I wake up to an empty bed.

Glancing over at my phone, my eyes go huge at the time.

It's eleven am.

I rip it off the charger, jumping out of bed and climbing down the ladder as fast I can without falling off.

As soon as I step into the hallway, my hair in my eyes and my head spinning a little, I realize the fact that school is probably canceled because of the snow.

"Snow day?" I yell, my voice scratchy from sleep, and a minute later it's answered by Winn.

"For you and Parker."

I nod to myself, covering my face with my palms and huffing out a breath.

"Good. Cool." I mumble, turning around and walking straight into my bathroom.

One glance at my mirror and I know I'm in for one hell of a morning.

Or afternoon, I don't know.

My hair is a tangled mess, I have dark circles under my eyes, and my lips are still slightly swollen.

So Sam and I did kiss a little last night, but clearly nothing too scandalous because I was asleep before the hour was over.

But somehow it was enough to merit this.

Is this punishment for sneaking a boy into the house? Probably.

After quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth, I head downstairs.

I shuffle to the coffee pot, barely giving Parker, the twins, and Roman a second glance where they're all sitting at the table, which they never do.

After pouring myself a mug, I slowly turned around and look at my brothers seated at the table, as well as someone else.

Sam is sitting there, nursing a cup of coffee while his other hand is propping his chin up.

"Uh, good morning," I mumble, combing through my messy hair with my fingers.

"Good morning, princess." Emmy chirps, and that's when I notice he's got his hand resting on Sam's shoulder like he's trying to keep him still.

"Put this on, the whole ordeal will be easier for you if Sam isn't staring at your tits the entire time." Lia sighs, throwing a hoodie at me.

Blushing hard, I pull the hoodie over my head. It must be one of Ollie's or something because I'm practically swimming in it.

"Wanna hear a funny story?" Parker asks, standing up from the table and walking over to me.

Shaking my head, I say, "Not really,"

"This morning Roman told me that he woke up last night because he heard talking and laughing, one of which he thought belonged to Sam. I said that was crazy because our Mouse would never sneak a boy into the house, that's just not her."

Swallowing hard, guilt washes over me. He's right. I knew it was wrong.

Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he presses a kiss to the side of my head. "Right, Mads?"

"I hate you," I crumble, putting my coffee down and covering my face with my palms.

"Maddie, did you sneak a boy into the house?" Winn asks, and I look up at him between my fingers. He's frowning, his eyebrows furrowed.

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