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(This may be sensitive to some readers again.)

"You two aren't even dating!"
"You can't just claim people!"
"You anyways can't date. It's in the damn contract!"

The group throws comments left and right. Yoongi and Namjoon doesn't say anything. I think Yoongi feels the same way I do right now and I think Namjoon is formulating a plan or argument or something.

Jin doesn't defend himself against them, taking the comments like a boss.

"Where's the guy that always reminded us of that damn rule!? The guy that led us away from those controversies?!" Jungkook shouts and this got under Jin's skin. He snapped.

"I never wanted this! I never wanted to feel like this!" He finally defends himself against them. There's a lot of shouting in one day...

"I think I love her!" Jin shouts. The group is extremely quiet after those words. He turns to me with a charming smile.

"I think I love you" he says with a lot of emotion in his eyes. I search for the truth in his eyes and I could see from miles away that he means it.

The group was about to explode. Even Yoongi was on his feet. I put my hand up at the fuming group and they actually listen to me. I walk closer to Jin as he is still smiling but shaking a little. I know he's nervous, I can see it. I, of all people, would know this. I can see he's scared but puts on a brave face anyway.

I put my hand on his cheek as I smile softly at him. He leans into my touch.

"No you don't" I say and slide my hand from his cheek, letting it hang loose by my side as I grab my things on my way out.

The elevator doors open very quickly which I'm incredibly grateful as I could hear quickened footsteps, becoming louder and louder by the second.

Even if he did l-love me, I could see it wasn't the best time. I think things should settle down a little, and Jin and I should discuss it privately. This was definitely not the best time.
I just felt tired as I walked out the elevator. So many things happened today. I couldn't believe it has only been one day.

I walk out the building, saying my goodbyes to the front desk guy, and walk back home. The sun was setting but the tall buildings cast it's chilly shadow. I cross my arms as I take my time walking back to my apartment. I take a bit of a detour through the park as I gather my thoughts.

It's weird.
I didn't think anyone would like me, never mind love me.

I don't know if he said it in the spur of the moment or if he actually meant it. He looked like he meant it...

What would that mean for the future?

I know one thing, I will make sure that it's not awkward between us. We will discuss it like the adults we are.

I don't know much of these emotional things. I never had to deal with romantic issues.

The icy wind pierced some sense into me. That I should be getting home.
I'll probably need some ice-cream or whatever comfort food the convenience store had to offer. I mindlessly buy whatever looked good. I didn't even register the group of thugs I walked through.

"Hey pretty little thing" the group calls out. I assume they're talking to someone else as I keep on walking. I don't even register what words they were spewing. The one moment I was walking, the next, I was in an alleyway, surrounded by theses guys.

"Not today" I mumble as I try to get through but they barricade my way out.
"Don't you want to have some fun?" Someone asks.
"No" I say with a death glare.

Sidekick (Bts x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon