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Namjoon drags the front half of the mattress into my temporary room. I helped him with the other half.

"I'm so sorry but it's really cold and I'm not ready to get frostbite" he says dramatically.
"It's no problem at all but you better not snore" I joke. He gives me a look.

"You're in for a rough night" he says. I laugh at him.
"There's a bathroom right down the hallway" he says.

"Cool, dibs" I say as I open my suitcase and grab my sleeping clothes. I leave the room and take a warm shower. It feels amazing. I can finally get the airplane stench off me.

I get back to the room to see Namjoon already laying on the mattress with pillows and blankets.

"You know, I really don't care. You can sleep on the bed" I say.
"It's all good. I already made my bed" he says as he gets up.

He doesn't look at me at all when he walked past to get to the bathroom. I jump in bed and bury myself underneath all the blankets. He really takes his time in the bathroom so I fall asleep with the lights on and everything.

The next morning, I imagine I see Namjoon's face right in front of mine. I shut my eyes again and open them again. He isn't there. I lean over the bed and find him still on the floor, on his phone.

"Oh hey, good morning" he says as he spots me awake.
"Morning" I say with tired eyes.

"I'll get ready while you do that" he says as he motions towards the bed. I fall back into bed.
I can do this.
Let's wake up...in five minutes.

I close my eyes for a little. I hear the door open again.

"Stop sleeping" Namjoon says as I feel him bouncing the bed close to me.
"I was just resting my eyes" I say as I open my eyes to find Namjoon ready for the day.

"I suppose I should get up" I say as I slowly wobble to my clothes, grab something and head to the shower. Just a quick shower.

I get back to the room and grab my phone. I assume Namjoon's in the kitchen so I head to the kitchen. Thing is about this house, you need to walk through the dining room to get to the kitchen. I walk through the dining room to see Namjoon's dad on the table, reading a newspaper.

"Good morning" he says as he looks up from his newspaper. He folds the newspaper and sets it on the table.
"Good morning sir" I say.

"Sit down. My boy is making breakfast" he says with a smile. Does he know that Namjoon can't cook to save his life?

"I should go help him then" I say a bit worried that I'm too late to save anything.
"No no, sit down. He has it covered" he says with a smile as he refers to the chair next to him.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask as I follow his will and sit down.
"Too excited to sleep" he says with a smile. He is super cute!
"Did you get to sleep? Not too cold for you" he asks.

"Not at all. The bed is really comfy" I say.
"Sorry that my son had to sleep with you" he apologizes.
"Not at all. Thank you for letting me into your home" I say with a smile.

"You know...this is the first time he brought a girl home" he says. Then I guess all that talk about girlfriends wasn't real.

"It's going to be the same situation at my home" I say with a little laugh.
"Really?" He says surprised then a huge smile.
"I'm glad my son will be the first and hopefully the last" he mumbles the last part.
"Sorry sir?" I ask.

"Tell me more about yourself" he says as he looks intently.
"I met Namjoon at work-" I begin but he stops me real quick.
"I already know all that. Tell me about you" he waves it off.

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