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I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to come face to face with...


His eyes went wide the moment I turned around.
"Shit" he said under his breath.

"You shouldn't cuss in front of your fans" I say in a hushed breath.
"Shit shit shit" he says to the floor.

"I didn't know you were part of a group" I say with shining eyes. He looks back at me with pure panic on his face.
"Come with me" he mumbles out and speed walks to one of the security guards. He says something to them and they open the door.

I catch up to him as I follow him out the door and the door shuts again. He walks down the hall, into a room with no one inside. There were mirrors, chairs and clothing. I assume this is their changing room or hair and makeup.

He closes the door and the questions start.
"Why are you here?" He asks the floor.
"Funny story, I actually know Jin and he invited me" I say sheepishly. He slowly looks at me.

"Wait. You're the person Jin invited" Yoongi asks slowly.
"That's what I just said" I say, confused. Yoongi sinks into one of the seats and sink his head into his hand.

"This is bad. This is bad. This is bad" Yoongi mumbles.
"Shouldn't you be talking to your fans?" I ask, actually concerned. These people didn't pay a bucket load of money for him to walk out.
He snaps his head towards me.

"No, you were my last one" he says, calming down.

I sit down next to him.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him, a little hurt. I thought we were friends. Didn't they trust me?

"It's...complicated" he says, trying to find the words. We sit in silence as Yoongi tries to comprehend the situation.

"...Can I ask you something?" I ask, breaking the silence.
"Shoot" he says with a sigh.
"Why are you still working at the company when you are clearly doing good enough in your group?" I ask, actually curious. I stare at him with seriousness.

"Oh,'s-um. Can I answer you another time?" He asks. I see him pleading in his eyes.
"Sure" I grit out. We sit a little longer in silence.

"Are you going to tell me anything?" I ask getting annoyed.

He doesn't give me an answer. My heart breaks a piece.

"Well, whenever you get your shit together, let me know" I say as I stand up, getting really angry. Does he really not trust me?!
I open the door with a vicious swing.
"Bye" my voice broke and I left.

I ask someone for the exit. They can see my fury and sadness so they quickly give me an answer, not bothering to inquire why I was there. I quickly see myself and took a deep breath once the cold air hit my face.

Not again...
Not this again...
I can't let this get to me every time...
When will I learn my lesson?

First with Jennie and now Yoongi. Will Namjoon give me the same treatment? Am I really not friends with the two...

I guess I was wrong...

This is what I get for opening my heart again.

I text Jin with blurry eyes that I was outside. No one was around so I had time to gather myself before he appeared. My despair was replaced with fury when Jin FINALLY showed up. I was kicking the concrete wall when Jin appeared.

"What are you doing?" He asks while laughing. I immediately stop and turn my attention to him with a serious look on my face. He stopped laughing real quick.

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